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Favorite parts/scenes/moments in Alien:Covenant
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Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterJun-27-2017 12:20 PM

The opening between David and Weyland, the interaction between Walter and Daniels, the back burster, the mouth burster (that had to hurt!), the Neomorphs, the reveal of Shaw's fate (I actually enjoyed it, sad for Shaw but the grimness was fitting), "I'll do the fingering" flute scene, the first chestburster, and seeing the Protomorph in action! There's more but these are the highlights for me, what's yours?

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

48 Replies


MemberFacehuggerJun-27-2017 5:19 PM

The fingering!


MemberDeaconJun-27-2017 5:22 PM

@Lawrence of Arabia

Indeed i wonder what the 20 Minutes is... what i do know is there was a Scene Shot where Daniels is grieving for the loss of Jacob...  She stares out to the Stars from her Window on the Covenant... likely after the Ejection of Jacobs Body into Space...  Daniels then daydreams and sees the lake out of the Window... and then we hit a Flash back of Daniels and Jacob in their New York Apartment, where we are shown a bit about their closeness and they discus the building of a Cabin on a Lake and also excitement for the Covenant Mission.

The Death Scenes were all longer and more gruesome... yep.. AC was more Violent than we get to see, and we see more Nudity in the Shower Scene..

Apart from these... there was a few alternative scenes, but its likely these dont make up the 20 cut minutes.

And so i can only assume the Prologue with Weylands was a bit longer, and there was a few longer Scenes from when the crew are in the Cathedral after David takes them there (Those who have read the Novel will no doubt have some ideas).

And i think the Xenomorph conflict on the Covenant was longer in the Full Cut.

These are just a assumption apart from the Daniels and Jacob extra Scene and the extended Death Scenes.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-27-2017 5:34 PM


How interesting is that about the sounds right? Well it worked for me, seen AC many times and those sound bits really get me each time. Makes those moments really hit with suspension.

 And okay Oram was kinda dumb for looking in the egg lets admit XD but believable or not I chalk it up to it being a scifi horror movie moment and people do dumb things in those movies all the time! LOL

Hey, just thought of another cool moment! When the facehugger runs away from that security guy and scurries up the stairs but stops just short of the bend before facehugging Lope, that felt realistic with how it moved and stopped randomly like that. Very creaturistic.


MemberChestbursterJun-27-2017 5:40 PM


"creaturistic" That's a great word! Great description! Yes, the movements of the facehugger were believable and chilling! Like a spider or a scorpion!


The whole design of the creature is really creative and seems almost like something that could really evolve (that that it'd have to, because it's genetically engineered and all).

Lawrence of Arabia

MemberChestbursterJun-27-2017 6:25 PM

Who else thought Rosenthal was pretty cute? If only she hadn't lost her head ;)

"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterJun-27-2017 6:40 PM

backburster, bombing of engineers, xenomorph pov shots, neomorph taming, neomorphs attack in the grass.

food ain't that bad! - Parker


MemberOvomorphJun-27-2017 6:59 PM

I liked how as light on his feet David was and not even human, the Neomorph easily sensed his presence.


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 3:03 AM

Flute scene with David and Walter is my favourite by far. That camera rolling and lights, with David's drawings on the walls behind - well that's pure Blade Runner indeed!

All those... moments... will be lost, in time, like tears... in... rain.


MemberChestbursterJun-28-2017 7:40 AM

• The Neutrino Burst and the immediate aftermath including Branson's brutal death. The malfunctioned pod and how the newly awoken crew desperately tried to tear it open was dramatic and horrifying. Ridley in his ace here, what a way to start the journey. 

• The first landing sequence, nobody makes atmospheric entries as cool and realistic as Ridley imo, with turbulence, thunderclouds and contrails as icing on the cake. 

The following three sequences play out in succession but are nonetheless worth mentioning individually.

• The bloodburster scene following the rapid infection of the spores. The pulsating and rather timid music track during this whole sequence really added to the sense of tension and panic. Probably the highlight of the film if you ask me. Followed by; 

• The Neomorph attack in the wheat field, a darker copy of a similar scene in Jurassic World, here with the one hyper aggressive, lightning fast Neomorph jumping out of the wheat, howling like a crazy monkey. Great sound design, pure terror.

Then Not Obi-Wan Kenobi appears out of nowhere and scare the Neo's away, which leads to;

• The escape towards the temple, through nightmarish environments with dead engineers piling over each other, all backed up with a fantastic and twisted music track ("dead civilization".) I just wish it was slightly longer with more views of the surrounding areas as the survivors look around. 

• The chestburster scene. I hated the fact that David was the creator of the xenomorph but the scene itself was strangely compelling with a notably touched David (Frankenstein) being proud of his monster and that his extensive research payed off. The scene once again enhanced by a great music track. 

• The facehugger attack in the basement, probably the best representation of the facehugger horror-factor.

Capt Torgo

MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2017 7:56 AM

When they first see the crashed Juggernaut it sounded like Apocalypse Now when the first enter Col. Kurtz's compound. That is epic shit right there!! I love the sound and look of many sets/ships except the interior of David's Necropolis cave. It was just too dark. Then the dialogue is so over the top and pretentious with dumb characters again, it just ruins all the hard work on making those awesome sets of the ships and stuff. Won't spend another dime on a Ridley Scott directed film. Love the person but hate their actions..


MemberChestbursterJun-28-2017 8:55 AM

backburster by far was amazing!, and Covenant yourney at beggining I was thrilled.

Cerulean Blue

MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2017 1:26 PM

I loved this movie!  I was almost too excited for it to get going & then it was over.  Juggernaut crash site, backbusrter, neomorph, scorpion ship & Engineer bombing!!

@VivisectedEngineer - I did like your post about Oram.  The problem I kept experiencing was that each time I went to your post, it left this page & went to the SciFied site, for some reason?  You may want to re-post it?


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 3:46 PM

I loved the Neomorph! I Think in the grand scheme of things when all these alien movies are over we'll look back and say man that neomorph was crazy. I also think when its all over these prequels will surpass all of the older alien movies!


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 5:22 PM

I really enjoyed the Neomorph too! I've become more found of it than the Zeno in this movie. It has a really cool life cycle from how it can be produced. Hope we get to see more gruesomeness from it!!

 I also really liked Neo's first scene, the way it just bursts out Ledwards back and plops on the floor in a splat of ectoplasm! And the way Ledwards body just goes limp backwards with no spine! Really terriful stuff!! =)

 Then when its starting to grow and Karine slips and falls the Neo quickly turns its head in the direction of the thud as if it's senses just alerted itself to the presence of its prey in the room. That was really good! I thought it added to the Neo's viscousness!

C'mon there was so many good things to really like about this movie!!! 


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 6:26 PM

My favorite part has to be from the beginning part where they show the ship in space till about when the credits started to run. I guess if I had to pick just one, that would be it. 


Really, how to you pick? This was a phenomenal film. Anything with the robots in it was perfect, the Neomorph, the Med Bay scene, the standing tall Neomorph, the David switch reveal, cinematography (oh my god the cinematography), David anything again, beginning David, bombing of the Engineers...

Pretty much the entire film. 


MemberFacehuggerJun-28-2017 6:46 PM

The pathogen bombardment, with the urns emptying from the chamber like a magazine on a gun, rosenthals demise, i reckon she had an idea she was a goner.


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2017 8:48 PM

@NassaDane, I share the same sentiments. How do you pick??

@airshaft_suprise, I liked how the pathogen spun into what looked like dna swirls as it fell. The seeds of life being the source of death. The irony and poetic tragedy in that.

 How the pathogen worked in destroying and turning all in its path into nightmarish statues made of black stone almost in a biblical kind of way... If any of you are familiar with that story, maybe that's another religious allegory.

Genesis 19:26, is that when Lot's wife looked back, she turned to a pillar of salt upon the sight of God who was descending down to rain destruction upon Sodom and Gomorrah.


MemberOvomorphJun-29-2017 11:22 AM

One thing in particulate that I did enjoy about Covenant is that it was pretty balanced when it came to kills. A good amount of the characters that died were woman. None of that inane sexism that every other adventure/action movie has where if there are woman they will survive no matter what since their lives are worth more. Especially after seeing Kong I appreciated Covenant much more. 

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