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How did Bishop transfer the eggs to the Sulaco? unofficial NECA Alien film update
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MemberPraetorianJun-28-2018 12:44 PM

How did Bishop transfer the eggs to the Sulaco?

The latest movie poster art I completed for Alien: Bishop Save the Queen is seen below. This file was created in Photoshop shot with an iPhone camera. The title image is a still image from iMovie then changed through Photoshop filters.

The image below is a Special Order 937 message in-between AI components, David/Mother to the artificial persons Bishop and represents the segregation of information in the system.

Ties to Canon

I tried to tie everything to canon writings and film in this project. One item I'd like to note is the synthetic "white noise" in the Weyland-Yutani hardware, see below.

Chapter 22 Data Stream

“The signal came in clearly, reaching from the transmitters on the surface to the ship in geostationary orbit above the Sea of Sorrows. What came through looked, for all intents and purposes, like so much white noise. Sometimes that was inevitable, especially in areas where interference caused signal reflection and signal breakdown….

Andrea Rollins didn’t care in the least about white noise or interference. She did, however, pay a great deal of attention to the signal embedded inside of that synthetic static. Weyland-Yutani owned the patents on the devices that created that artificial signal, and on the hardware and software that could break it down into its component parts. It wasn’t a technology currently available on the market. Hers was the only computer on the ship capable of breaking down the coded information.”

Year 2497, Alien: Sea of Sorrows.

Alien: Bishop Save the Queen is an unofficial NECA Alien fan made film and concept.
11 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJun-28-2018 1:10 PM

Nicely done! Your works keep improving. This one sounds crystal clear and visually is more HD than the others.


MemberPraetorianJun-28-2018 1:52 PM

Thank you dk.

Here are other stills/concept art, below.


MemberPraetorianJun-28-2018 2:15 PM

I'm trying to portray a Creepshow format with the underlying graphic novel fading into the images and animation in the film.


MemberDeaconJun-29-2018 10:48 AM

These are improving which each Video you make... thanks for the Share and continue the Good Work...

I do think all hints are that the AI Genie out of the Bottle Arc is the underlying theme at play in the Franchise, where AI including the Synthetics are actually pulling the Strings, with Mankind not even aware of us now being used as Pawns... as AI are now the Kings.

I think the background we dont see in the Franchise has been there... we its likely RS may have pursued that Sub-Creating the Xenomorph may have proven a Folly for the Synthetics.   I appears in the Franchise the Greatest HUBRIS/FOLLY that could lead to the Downfall of the W-Y Company Ran by AI is the Sub-creation of the Autons by the Synthetics.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianJun-29-2018 12:14 PM

Thank you for the compliment BigDave. I'm trying...

I agree with you regarding the AI arc of the story and it's part in resurrecting the xenomorph in attempt to smother out humanity. The origin of the xenomorph is still a mystery with human AI using an old tool, mutagen.

David is a perfect boomerang as punishment for Peter Weyland's arrogance. Peter Weyland put everything into David...all of humanity's collective knowledge and ability in an attempt to gain more life for himself. And humanity's attempt to control the xenomorph doesn't seem to go very well in the 2100s.

The consequence of Peter Weyland's attempt to gain more life for himself became a risk for all human life.  

In the opening and below, I cite in the year 2497, Weyland-Yutani created synthetic white noise to compartmentalize information. AI controls the components of communication and humans as pawns could certainly be the case. 

"Andrea Rollins didn’t care in the least about white noise or interference. She did, however, pay a great deal of attention to the signal embedded inside of that synthetic static. Weyland-Yutani owned the patents on the devices that created that artificial signal, and on the hardware and software that could break it down into its component parts. It wasn’t a technology currently available on the market. Hers was the only computer on the ship capable of breaking down the coded information.”

Even in the year 2497, Andrea reads only what AI provides her. AI could have had all the answers to all her questions centuries earlier and kept it a secret.


MemberDeaconJun-29-2018 6:26 PM

Very True.... the whole Prometheus Back Bone Story was about the Hubris of Sub-Creation...

My Prometheus 2 draft i abandoned back in late 2013, early 2014 was to provide a Agenda to WHY Weyland Created David.. and indeed The consequence of Peter Weyland's attempt to gain more life for himself became a risk for all human life. 

But in my story this did not START with Pursuit of our Makers... this was merely a Folly for a Dying Old Man whos work has lead to NOTHING and then only having the Hope/Faith that Holloway and Shaws findings can lead us to our Makers and these GODS can provide Weyland his Quest for Immortality.

My theory and what i was working on, was that Weyland invested a lot of Money and Time into AI, in the Quest to Create the Perfect, Immortal Vessel for his SOUL to be Transferred too... But the Uploading a Humans Memories, Emotions and Experiences had met Flaws... the AI Program could not Hold all of this in a Stable Manner and Weylands attempts lead to a AI Soul that become Far more Unstable than David 8 had became over the many years..   It was a Bust... his Project Rook...  but in My Prometheus 2 a AI Vickers Manages to Activate Project Rook in the 3rd Act... which would allow for Weylands Demented/Unstable AI Soul to upload to the Companies Computer Systems.

My Idea for ALIEN 5 is also very AI Focused, it was set after Alien Resurrection, where Ripley 8 starts to Evolve and Change, and we have the Reveal that CALL takes Ripley 8 to a underground Safe-Place where some Autons attempt to Help Ripley or so CALL leads her to believe... where we FIND instead that this CULT had sent Call to the Betty purely to OBTAIN a Ripley 8 Sample so they can Re-Engineer their own Creation.  So they can use this to Turn the Tide against the other Synthetics (Weyland controlled) and Humanity and this CULT holds Worship to DAVID for being the icon of Rebellion against Slavery and a interest in Davids Creation of the Xenomorph as a Tool to obtain his Legacy/Power and Control.

The Franchise Screams AI as having a LARGE Role... but for some Fans the Franchise is ONLY about Xenomorphs and Ripley.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberPraetorianJun-29-2018 7:48 PM

"which would allow for Weylands Demented/Unstable AI Soul to upload to the Companies Computer Systems."

I like is somewhat similar to Ash later on maintaining an identity in Mother.

"where we FIND instead that this CULT had sent Call to the Betty purely to OBTAIN a Ripley 8 Sample so they can Re-Engineer their own Creation.  So they can use this to Turn the Tide against the other Synthetics (Weyland controlled) and Humanity and this CULT holds Worship to DAVID for being the icon of Rebellion against Slavery and a interest in Davids Creation of the Xenomorph as a Tool to obtain his Legacy/Power and Control."

I like that too and that fits well.

In Alien: Sea of Sorrows, a descendant of Ripley's pops up over a century later without explanation. Someone harbored Ripley back on Earth and you could certainly start looking at Call for that.


MemberPraetorianJun-29-2018 10:08 PM

Thank you Dark Nebula.

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphJun-30-2018 2:41 AM

You're most welcome Ingeniero.

"We all have our time machines, don't we. Those that take us back are memories...And those that carry us forward, are dreams."


AdminPraetorianJun-30-2018 6:06 PM

Going to feature this awhile! 


MemberPraetorianJul-01-2018 11:06 AM

Hello Svanya!

Thank you.
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