Alien franchise podcast: The Xenomorphing podcast, episode 6 is out. Fan-made
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MemberNeomorphSep-14-2020 4:32 AMThis time they discuss Alien Covenant, what it did right, what it did wrong, and other things. Check this one out, it's sort of longer than usual but don't let that scare you, it's interesting.
Even though I'm not a huge fan of the prequels they did at least try something new instead of Ripley, the alien-queen, space-marines, and those things. Unfortunately the David-android took over too much and Daniels is no Ripley. The alien space-terror could work (think about the first movie), it depends on how it is. Ridley Scott unfortunately had too much of a say on this and maybe Fox too. The Xenomorph didn't benefit from this movie, unfortunately but hopefully it can be saved. It should really have had more about the Engineers from Prometheus.
Click on the arrow-button on the right and you will be able to download it.
Opera and Google chrome:
Click the big green download button for it to download.
It seems that it matters what kind of browser that you use, at least it did to me. Hopefully this won't keep people from checking it out. Anyways enjoy because the episodes are good.

MemberNeomorphSep-22-2020 3:29 AMThis thread gets bumped to see if they can get some more downloads now that I've understood that it looks different in different browsers. I didn’t know that the browser could affect how the page looked when I originally made the post. Check it out if you want