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Alien Series for Hulu is official
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MemberPraetorianDec-10-2020 3:45 PM

Well after tons of speculation and rumors it's finally official that Alien is finally getting a streaming series via Hulu. I'll post the link below.

All that's known so far is apparently It'll be Earth set and Ridley Scott seems to be producing. Let's discuss shall we?

Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for 

66 Replies


MemberChestbursterDec-17-2020 6:21 AM


>>>what I want and what most people into the franchise want might be different things maybe.

I think everyone agrees on one thing - get a good, consistent story.

As a subjective being, I will say:

Unique ideas can be sacrificed in order to create a workable story. Prometheus is a great film; with the most inspiring ideas in the franchise, but it looks like a video artbook with little notes and no final conclusion.

Covenant, on the other hand, appears to be devoid of truly new ideas, but works better as a complete story.

The common ancestor - Alien: Engineers had both merits - new ideas and a complete plot.

To BigDave

So I will say - I don't care how the series will relate to other parts of the franchise - the main thing is that the story is complete and internally consistent.

Conflicts with other films don't bother me. There are few questions here between Alien and Aliens, there is a whole abyss of contradictions and nonsense between Aliens and Aliens 3, the same few questions with Alien 3 and AR. And, of course some conflicts between Prometheus and Alien, and even between Prometheus and Covenant + Covenant and Alien.

The franchise is already a big mess, and in order to put things together, you sometimes need to release conflicts on the brakes. Especially between Aliens and Alien 3. But Alien 3 fans don't seem to be worried. Then why should the new series be perfect and free from any conflicts?


MemberDeaconDec-17-2020 7:33 AM

Certainly LETO....

With a lot of those Movies we have Loose Ends so to Speak, these are NOT shown on Screen... we can ASSUME that after ALIENS then the Derelict is NULL/VOID and the ONLY route to the Xenomorph was Ripley and she is TOAST.

Between ALIEN and ALIENS then we still have the Derelict sitting there, but we are given the indication that for some reason the Company are Unaware and so there is Questions to ASK about the Company after they Failed to get a Specimen with Special Order 937, but indeed its something that had no Continuation to WHAT was NEXT, but that NEVER effected the Franchise.. so i see your Point.

The Prequels Leave more such Loose Ends... and its UNLIKELY we would get a Conclusion or Answers to WHY they only bother with LV-426.

A New TV Series should NOT have to Conflict anything, but by Virtue of it seeming like a ALIEN SHIP and ALIEN ORGANISM that are related to the ALIEN Franchise, and these END UP on Earth like in the NOT too Distant Future was a Concern.

But it NEED to NOT be if with a Good Solid Written Plot with a Conclusion to Clear  Up any Loose Ends ;)

If the Time-Line is say 2035-2045 then we look at HOW does the ALIEN come into play?

1) A Space Mission to somewhere in our Solar System, say Mars returns with a Specimen?  or on the Moon!.....  maybe that can Work.... it maybe could be like what ALIEN was like say IF they Stuck Kane on ICE.. and Returned Home..  But for me having something related to the Xenomorph in our Solar System would BEG the Question... WHY bother with LV-426

2) They Detect a Crashed Derelict at Sea (or One Crashes into the Sea Recently) and they Recover it and Especially if its Weyland or Weyland-Yutani.  This would Conflict the Prequels even more...

3) They Discover a Crashed Derelict on Land somewhere, somewhere Remote would be better, Under Ice (but we are doing a The Thing here), Worse would be something Recently Crashes  out to Discover it and more so IF the Weyland/Weyland Yutani Company are Involved in a Time-Line prior to the Prequels.

The WORST CASE would be that a Derelict/Juggernaught comes to Earth to Attack us, and its Shot Down, but then we get Xenomorphs and Engineers and Especially if its NOT in a Remote Location....   BUT I DOUBT we shall see such a Plot ;)

I will make a TOPIC on my Idea i had the other Night, it may not Please Everyone because there would be 3 kinds of Monster and only the ONE would be Very Close to the Xenomorph... the Incubus if you would.

The Nutshell is...

A Downed Earth Space Mission crashes in the Bermuda Triangle, a Search and Rescue Team are Deployed to where the Ship is Suspected to be, but they Discover something else....  They Enter the ALIEN Ship, a Tremor Happens and causes a Team Member to Fall into a PIT of Pods.. and becomes Infected...   The ALIEN Ship begins to Flood and Move so they go back to the Salvage Ship.

A Alien Organism is Unleashed on the Salvage Ship which gets Stranded in the Bermuda Triangle, the Crew are Picked Off, and we see that some of them are TAKEN away and some are Egg Morphed, other Cocooned to the Walls.   The ALIEN goes and Rapes we assume (Off Screen) a Female, then it is Distracted and Wounded... its ACID BLOOD then Eats though the Hull and the Ship starts to Sink but then the Engine Room Explodes...

We have TWO Survivors... one a Early Pregnant Female who has NOW got a Infected Fetus... well maybe Twins.. They are taken to another Ship...

The Company at Play demand the Location where they was looking but the Survivors Refuse... the Company would NOT Find anything but the Wreckage of the Salvage Ship where they recover a Large Egg.... this is taken to a Secret Outpost.

The Surviving Female has some Pains, she is Concerned about her 6-9 week Old Child (this was to be her Last Salvage Dive before Maternity Leave) but the Dr says it feels like she is more Long Term than that... she has a SCAN and something is Detected.. the Woman is taken to the Secret Base and has the Fetus Removed...  she is Refused to see it.... but the StarChild if you would has a Connection to her... (i am thinking maybe her Unborn Child is also taken out), there becomes a like Physic link between her and the Incubus

This when the Second Half or last 3rd of the Series then takes place on the Outpost as the £"$£% Hit the Fan with TWO Monsters on the Loose...  where it gets a bit more Alien Resurrection for some Action.

The Monsters that Feature are...

The Cecaelias: (Pod on the Derelict)

The Arachnoid: (Result of Egg Morph and its Procreation then after).

The Incubus: (Result of Rape on a Female)

The Incubus being what is Closely Related to our Xenomorph.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberXenomorphDec-17-2020 2:04 PM

That would work BigDave! Very Alien...better in space, but i'll soon get over that aspect.

Need more monsters like your idea...a xeno a episode would get tiresome (Daleks every episode, Klingons every episode, etc......)


MemberDeaconDec-18-2020 3:31 AM

Well the Idea would be the First Two would also be where we go back and forth to KEY Characters, its from EP4 where it would be a BIT like ALIEN, EP5/6 get like AR and it be about 7/8 when it be Multiple Monsters on the Rampage and more Running and Shooting...

The Episode on the Stranded Salvage Ship/Hauler the Charon would be Very Similar to ALIEN.

I attempt to Uplift and Use some Concepts that were Dropped from the Franchise... but it MAY NOT go and please those who may want something more Generic and YES there are Elements where its LIKE... we have Seen This before (just done slightly different) but i CHALLENGE anyone to give a Xenomorph Movie/TV Show where you do something for MOST of it that has NOT been done before ;)

The Octopoid like Organism on the ALIEN Ship would be like a Clam well it would look like a Cross Between Xeno-Egg and a Clam...  The Cecaelias (what i currently will call it) will have TWO ways to Procreate..  1) It can Egg Morph a Host which Produces the Arachnoid Queen, 2) It can Impregnate a Parasite that Hijacks a Females Ovaries to Produce something more Similar to the Xenomorph.

The Arachnoid (working name at moment) will have 4 Legs that are similar to say a Face Hugger, it has 2 Arms, and 2 Tentacles.  Again this has TWO ways to Procreate the SAME Organism.... it has a Tail  that has Multiple Uses, it has a Stinger that will Paralyses a Victim, this Stinger then OPENS UP to allow the Organism to Weave like a Web/Cocoon to Immobilize a Host (stick them to Walls) but then it also can Deposit Small Eggs.

The Arachnoid can also Directly Implant a Scarab like Organism into a Hosts Throat.   The Eggs will hatch like Arachnid/Scarab like Creatures that will try to Enter a Host which includes EAT there way in.

Either Procreation will lead to another Variant a Bi-Pedal Organism a bit Different to the Xenomorph with 2 Extra  Razor Sharp Scythed Limbs.  I have NOT thought of HOW or IF these can Procreate.

The Last Organism the Incubus is more like the Xenomorph and this can Infect a Females Egg Cells to make a Off-Spring thats VERY similar to the Xenomorph or with a Male it infects a Virus like Pathogen that would see them Loose their Minds, Mutate but eventually they would just reduce to a Mass of Genetic Material where some Egg/Spores will grow from.

The Idea is it would show the ALIEN SHIP in One of its Cargo Holds has a Organism that looks to Procreate and that each Generation of Procreation will Change to suit its Environment and Chances of Survival.    The Arachnoids and Off-Spring have a Hive Mind.

But the Incubus has a Psychic Link also with its Host, but i was thinking also anyone it can come into LONG Contact with.

The Monsters Aesthetic i invasion to Merge a lot of Unused Concepts even going back to ALIEN.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerDec-26-2020 4:57 PM

In a TV show they can do everything. They can Tie the knots between each movie of the franchise, at any time they choose.

For instance, in two episodes, they can give a proper ending to David story, with Ridley Scott directing, all of this under the form of a flashback.

Well, in alien 3 and 4, the primary goal of the company was having a Queen. In alien 3, Ripley Kills it and, in alien 4, the cloning experience goes wrong, because of the mixed DNA that origins an hybrid queen, that firstly gives birth to xenos and then to a newborn.

They could bring eggs from lv-426, where is a "Royal Embryo" included, to earth and then begin to create their army of xenomorphs. This, assuming that Ripley and Bishop didn't destroyed all the eggs on lv-426. Hell breaks loose on earth and there you have the main story of the first season. 










MemberDeaconDec-27-2020 4:13 AM

Certainly there is quite a bit you can Cover with a TV Series, and YES maybe you could Cover some Loose/Ends and Conclusions.

I think the BUDGET would play a Large Part, the more ALIENY we go (Alien Worlds, Space Travel/Ships and Xenomorphs) the HIGHER the Budget requirement for those Effects......   This is LIKELY why the Hulu/FX TV Show would be SET on Earth in the NOT TOO Distant Future... Saves on Budget for Effects.

I think regarding the conclusion to Davids Story... IF they decide it is to be Considered as CANON then i think a NOVEL would be the BEST Solution.  This does-not mean that Future TV Shows or Movies cant go and Reference our David and the Events of the Prequels.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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