MemberPraetorianJan-27-2022 10:01 PMwait 2014? Isn't that two years after the Weyland Corp was founded and Peter Weyland would be in his early 20's

MemberNeomorphFeb-02-2022 11:02 AMBeing that we haven't had anything good since Alien 3 I got to set my expectations low. The prequels were alright but not good (those are two different things). If you get you expectations up high then you set yourself up for disappointment is my point.
“Thanks to Ridley Scott, he went to great lengths to make fans care about the character of David’s personal journey, which means the TV show should take this plot further."
No thanks, I've had enough of that. I don't want the franchise to be taken over by androids that are playing flute and discuss poetry. Keep them as a side story but the focus should be on other things. Raised By Wolves was about androids, which I didn't care for, and likewise I won't care about this if it's about that.

MemberPraetorianFeb-02-2022 3:44 PMI don't mind Androids being a large focus in the story as long as the main focus is on the xenomorphs themselves. Unlike some people here, I actually like Bishop, Ash, Walter and David. I think they are great android characters that balance between relatable and being the "other"
I dislike Call for being too human, she didn't come across as a proper ALIEN android to me.

MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2022 12:17 AMIt is sadly and abundantly clear that the writer of this article has no idea what "canon" is in the Alien universe. According to canon, actual canon, the Covenant mission was only announced in 2103. That's only a difference of 89 years from what the article states. David's RECREATION of the xenomorph occurred years later. Please, use google, at the very least. Consult Andrew Gaska, the guy who is the literal expert/ consultant on Alien canon at this point.

MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2022 12:22 AMCorrection: the recreation of the Alien, according to actual canon was around 2104, not "years later" as I put it. I had Prometheus in mind when I typed that. Still.

MemberPraetorianFeb-06-2022 1:52 PMYou would think Disney would contact the director/producers of the Alien TV series to speak with Andrew Gaska on canon

MemberDeaconFeb-08-2022 5:18 PMI would not be too Focused on WHAT is Canon.
I have a VERY STRONG suspicion that this is a REBOOT of Sorts. And as such i think its maybe something we can NOT go and Expect too Much from.... just to SIT BACK and Enjoy the Ride whatever it may bring.. by that we maybe should NOT go and try and Compare it to the Original Movie Series.
Its a SHAME that this is what is Taking Place but Disney are the Owners Now and IF they Feel the Story has became Stale or STUCK... then they maybe see a REBOOT is a way to Explore something in a Different Way.
And so we should look at it like the Batman Series... the we had the 1966 Batman based off the TV Show... then we had the 1989 Batman Movie (and the others in the 90's) the 1966 and 1989 Batman Movies are within the same UNIVERSE, but they are NOT like Direct Canon but a Alternative Take... much like the Dark Knight Series. And so its like we had say the Tobey Maguire Spiderman Movies which were NOT Canon to the latter Andrew Garfield (Amazing Spiderman Movies).
And this is HOW i think this ALIEN TV SERIES will be, a ALTERNATIVE Reality/Take where it seems the COMMON Element will be the Xenomorph. (and so there may be NO... Weyland/Yutani, and NO.. Ripley or Colonial Marines).
These will likely be Replaced by NEW Greedy Corporations, NEW Military Factions and New Antagonist and Protagonist with maybe the ONLY real Connection being the Xenomorph.

MemberPraetorianFeb-09-2022 4:01 PMI would really hate if this is an alternate universe and not connected to core canon

MemberPraetorianFeb-09-2022 4:09 PM I changed my mind, It would be better if it is in its own separate continuity therefore if its terrible it can't harm the original continuity

MemberFacehuggerFeb-12-2022 10:40 PMI’ve got a bad feeling about this drop. I watched AVP Requiem yesterday to remind myself of just how bad things can be if Aliens arrive on Earth.
Now, the recently announced Blad Runner 2099 TV series might be a completely different kettle of fish.

MemberDeaconFeb-14-2022 9:57 PMI think for some Fans who like the ACTION then a Eventual Movie with Xenomorphs running Rampant on Earth would be AWESOME!
However... indeed IF this is NOT executed well then we could see another AVPR! I think the BIGGEST PROBLEM with having Xenomorphs on Earth is it NEGATES the Plots of Movies that would FOLLOW as FAR as the Xenomorph.
For example if say the Earth was Ravaged by Xenomorphs some 100 Years after ALIENS or so then depending on HOW LARGE was the Xenomorph invasion you would have to ASK as to WHY would USM go and Try to CLONE our Ripley to Obtain a Specimen when SURELY they should have came across something on EARTH!
UNLESS..... we are talking a Outbreak at a Research Facility that is ISOLATED or on a Island where the END RESULT is a NUKE! that DESTROYS everything!
This is the SAME KIND of thing they have to look at with the TV Series, as in WHERE and HOW do we come into Contact with the Xenomorph..... surely having them RUN Amok in say New York or Los Angeles would be a BAD IDEA.
However i dont think the TV Show will Contradict the Franchise as i SUSPECT it will be a ALTERNATIVE Story and i would NOT be Surprised that in Noah's Alternative Universe there would be NO Derelict on LV-426.

MemberPraetorianFeb-15-2022 6:39 AMI don't mind if they retcon away Alien Resurrection, that movie was terrible anyways

MemberDeaconFeb-16-2022 11:24 PMI think Alien Resurrection had some Interesting things going on that are NOT quite so Obvious that could be Expanded upon... but OVERALL i would say Yeah the Execution and Characters are NOT that Good.
The Newborn could have been Better and it did make the QUEEN look Weak!

MemberOvomorphFeb-17-2022 11:21 AMMy expectations are low but I hope it turns out good. Yeah, Alien 3 and Covenant wasn't the best (even though I personally find Covenant pretty good), I'm mostly excited on seeing a xenomorph

MemberDeaconFeb-19-2022 1:10 AMWith the Latest News i have LOWERED my Expectations... but it will Please some Fans who were AGAINST the Prequels.
It seems that Writers NEVER have a Clue on HOW to Continue with anything that DOES-NOT go and Contradict what was Prior.... NOT a lot of Thought!
I just think the SHOW will make a MESS of whatever we have seen so FAR......
Unless its a Alternative Universe Take.....

MemberDeaconFeb-20-2022 1:49 AMI have talked to TWO people i know about the TV Show and they seem Bummed Out about HOW we wont have any Connection to RIPLEY in it..... One of them also thinking it should be a Opportunity to introduce the PREDATORS as the Creators of the Xenomorph.
This would just be another AVPR with some Fluff/Scenes like in AVP...... with also something like the "The Predator" Alternative Endings..... No Thank You!

MemberPraetorianFeb-25-2022 10:28 AMWelp time for us to lower our expectations even lower from what I found out on reddit.
Alien the Series - Characters
Wendy - one of the main characters in the series. She is what is considered a hybrid, a metahuman who has the brain and consciousness of a child but the body of an adult. Because she was essentially created in a lab, she will eventually yield her almost superhuman powers.
Boy Kavalier - a very young man who is the CEO of a company called The Prodigy Corporation. This company is at the heart of the series, with their experiments and creations becoming a new wave into metahuman territory.
JD Hermit - a soldier for the company’s security arm. He is essentially an orphan who lost his family at a young age. One of his losses was his sister Marcy who he believes died at the age of 10.
Kirsh - synth who acts as a mentor and trainer for Wendy. Slightly older and more highly developed, the character will train Wendy but might have other intentions.
Atom Ein - Boy Kavalier’s advisor. He is older but understands manipulation and the way to help achieve larger goals.
Anything here sound remotely "Alien"?"

MemberDeaconFeb-27-2022 10:02 AMThanks for that News
This is Concerning to me.... so NOW it seems we are going to have Meta-Humans.... Enhanced Humanoids who may NOT only have Superior Strength/Speed but also maybe some Psychic Abilities? This sounds a BIT MARVEL to me...
If this Information is Correct.... what we are Basically getting is like a Ripley 8 with Newts Consciousness inside.... a Enhanced Human with Child's Soul who is Raised/Taught by a Synthetic... where its likely the WENDY (Meta-Human) with likely Marcy being the Consciousness inside. Will gain some Sympathy for the Synthetics and maybe Meta-Humans and LEAD a Rebellion?
Again i just CANT see HOW the Xenomorph Fits?
It could be we WONT even see Weyland/Yutani!
The Premise does seem VERY ALIEN to ALIEN....
The BIG QUESTION.... is HOW/WHEN/WHY and WHERE do we see the Xenomorphs?
The SHOW is SET on Earth...... and it seems its SET after Prometheus and so MAYBE we see some Company has GONE to LV-223 to get the Black Goo to USE to Enhance Humans? well Create a Hybrid/Enhanced Race?
What IF the Company also Creates the Xenomorph?
However.... looking at what was said before it seems the Show will have a Slower Build Up before we get the Xenomorphs.... they are also what is the Parasitic Threat from our Past..... which indicates the Xenomorph would be Ancient in this TV Show and looking at the Promotion Images it seems they are Discovered on a somewhat Submerged, Ship or Facility that LIKELY is Discovered on Earth at Sea or another Large Body of Water?
The other Aspect is the Threat from the FUTURE (A.I) and we know we will have Synthetics.... but also the Meta-Humans... are BOTH a Threat? Or just the ONE KIND?
The Meta-Humans being Created likely for Military Purposes, so we looking at a Replicants meets Universal Soldiers with maybe some SUPER-HUMAN Abilities thrown in... Crikey hope this does not END UP like the Necromancers from Raised by Wolves but just Organic Versions...
And are we going to see the Synthetics go to USE/PROGRAM them to Overthrow Humanity?
I think the PLOT could be Interesting as a STAND ALONE like TV Show... i dont see WHY it would NEED to have the Xenomorphs and become Connected to ALIEN etc

MemberPraetorianFeb-27-2022 11:41 AMYeah, I sure hope this information is simply not true. I found this on reddit. I really don't want an AINO movie