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Shaw and David will make it to the Engineer home world in Prometheus 2, Alien: Paradise Lost!
Scified2015-09-29 14:21:02
Written by Chris16,510 Reads11 Comments2015-09-29 14:21:02

Ridley Scott continues to tease fans with tid-bits of plot information surrounding his upcoming Prometheus sequel, Alien: Paradise Lost. Prior to this new interview, Scott had revealed that Paradise Lost would have some connections to Ellen Ripley - the badass heroine from the original Alien series, who will also be present in Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5. How this connection will be made is anyone's guess and fans in the Prometheus sequel forum are already contemplating possible scenerios. 

Today however, comes a new interview once again with Ridley Scott, by Yahoo!, who picked the director's brain about Alien: Paradise Lost's plot synopsis. In a brief response, Scott reveals that Shaw and David will in fact make it to the Engineer homeworld, which he describes as "spooky". Our guess is that this world will emulate the biomechanical artwork of the late H.R. Giger; at least we hope it will. Check out Ridley's comments below:

Yahoo!: And Prometheus 2 will be a continuation of the story?
Ridley: Of course. Have you ever read Paradise Lost, by Milton? In a funny kind of way, it’s an interesting basis for the darkness of [Prometheus 2]. Where the good-looking guy, who is evil as s–t, gets all the girls and goes to the nightclubs. The other guy, who is not quite as good-looking, is boring as hell and stays home. So in a funny kind of way, we used that as the basis for it, it’ll be Alien: Paradise Lost. Which is very spooky, because it continues after the last one, where Elizabeth Shaw [Noomi Rapace] says, “I wanna go where they came from.” And you’ve got Michael Fassbender in two parts, so she’ll slowly put him back together. They will go to the world of the Engineer.

Yahoo!: To the core of that planet.
Ridley: That’s where they’re going to go. They will find out who would design such an awful bio-mechanoid creature, like a massive piece of bacteria.

As Ridley explained recently, the reason Prometheus 2 is now titled Alien: Paradise Lost is because he's going to explore how the Xenomorph was created initially and for what reasons. This likely won't directly explain how the Derelict crashed on LV-426, but will definitely shed more light on its mystery than Prometheus did. 

For those of us who still wish to explore the Engineer mythology, don't worry, Ridley still plans to explore that avenue of the franchise as well. Remember, Prometheus spawned a host of sequels, which may eventually equate to a full blown quadrilogy, focusing on two main storylines which parallel eachother and the Alien franchise.

What are your hopes for the Engineer homeworld? What aesthetic are you expecting? What nightmares do you think await Shaw and David for when they arrive? Let us know in the comments section or in the Prometheus sequel / Alien: Paradise Lost forums!

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Etienne Andlau

MemberOvomorphSep-30-2015 1:17 AM

I think the engineer we see in the opening sequence of Prometheus was an angel sent to earth to create mankind to one day replace the fallen angels in heaven. So he sacrafices himself and his own DNA builds mankind using water as a meduim. Then later we see the engineers creating the weapon of mass destruction and learn that they were on their way to earth to destroy mankind. Well I think those engineers were the fallen angels who were following satan to find earth and destroy mankind which was created to replace them eventually. They were on a mission to protect their own future. Reason why the murals changed in that chamber when the crew from Prometheus enters it is because their future was changed the moment they were discovered. In other words mankind founf them before they could find mankind and so lost their war against God. Well those are my thoughts ...  :-)

Dark Nebula

StaffNeomorphSep-30-2015 5:14 AM

I hope once Shaw and David make it to the engineer homeworld they either land or crash on unpopulated/abandoned side of the planet and explore alot of biomechanical,giger looking ruins,other murials,holographic recordings etc.They might come across some Engineers who are wandering these ruins and will actually explain to David and Shaw the agenda and the black goo all of that that will truly terrify them.Later the engineers will take them to the beings they serve to,and those beings wont be friendly.David on the other hand,interested in the black goo will release it on the beings wich will create new type of monster and more hostile and dangerous we've ever seen.Other monster(adult deacon) will be brought by other weyland ship that was sent to investigate what happened to USCSS Prometheus.For the rest I dont know,those are my thoughts.


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2015 7:14 AM

If they are Angels, why did they need a space ship (Seen at the water fall)?


Etienne Andlau

MemberOvomorphSep-30-2015 3:55 PM

How do we know it was a space ship? It could have been anything. Why would angels need wings with feathers on them? I mean ... you have to be open to suggestion with these things :-)


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2015 11:58 PM

It appears to be shaping-up into quite the universe. Paradise Perfect.

Bonus links:

Den of Geek Interview

The Daily Beast Interview



MemberDeaconOct-01-2015 9:17 AM

Well by Angels we have to look at this as being Angels in context of the movie are who Mankind interpeted the Engineers as...  who is to say the real Angels have Wings... its only how mankind saw them as..... so they are not literally saying they are Angels as per the Bible... they are going the route that the Bible and other Religons and Mythos all come from interpretations of the Engineers....

Etienne Andlau you could be loosely on the right track...

But we have to remember that the Scene did not have to be on Earth, and it may not even be how Mankind was created....  by that it could created something else, related to Engineers and Mankind could already have been created elsewhere in the Galaxy... the Engineers could come from us.. not us as in on Earth but us as in other Humans in the Galaxy... Ridley had hinted that Earth is not the only place where their is Human Life...

But if we go the route that the scene was what lead to our creation on Earth, we have to remember the Scene to me does not show that from after that process Mankind just pops out of the Water... it to me is the Start of Evoltion... either the kick start and building blocks.. or the catalyst that changes basic life to complex....

And maybe the Engineers came back time and time again futher experimenting on life and playing a role in manipulation until the point Mankind is created....  Ridley said the Engineers had came back over and over again to Upgrade our DNA... and Teach us knowledge and how to build stuff etc..



MemberOvomorphOct-01-2015 1:10 PM

Folks they are not "Angels" the bases for the Engineers were the Biblical Nephilim..who were not Angels but things "engineered".Damon Lindelof said this himself at a meet and greet a few years ago.

Etienne Andlau

MemberOvomorphOct-01-2015 5:56 PM

The scriptures are not clear about the identity of the Nephilims. Some say that they were the offspring of fallen angels who had sex with human women and some say that they could be fallen angels themselves. So who knows? :-) The engineers in Prometheus were about the size the Nephilims were according to the Bible. So that is a link. But we dont know how big the engineer in the opening sequence of Prometheus was. He was never standing next to a human. So he coould have been just human size. The engineers we see later in the film are also very different than the first one we see at the waterfall.


MemberOvomorphOct-03-2015 4:37 PM

SPookey! LOve iT! Fear it...embrassing


MemberDeaconOct-09-2015 4:15 PM

Ps interesting Xeno concept in the OP

would love to see that or Similar for the next movie  ;)


MemberOvomorphOct-17-2015 3:53 PM

I really hope Ridley doesn't expand on the religious theme (Shaw's crucifix) with angels, Nephilim’s, etc. Prometheus was ridiculous enough with scientist Shaw's "what I choose to believe" comments but to continue down that path would ruin any sequels.

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