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MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 9:52 AMHi there,
Just saw Prometheus in Switzerland and loved it.
Then I just thought of one particular scene, which is on Alien from 1979:
The room is the same, the cockpit and aliens are also the same.
Nicely played Scott...
Here you get to see the mock-up made for Prometheus:
7 Replies
MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 10:06 AMIt seems to be the "cockpit" of the ship. Once the Engineer suits up and sits on it, the ship starts its booting sequence.
At first it looks like a AA gun battery though... I thought it would be used to shot at something by the Engineer.
MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 10:12 AMThat's not a spoiler lol, everybody knows that, it's in every trailer!
MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 10:24 AMBy the way, who's head is that in the ampule chamber? The engineer's or other gods?
MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 1:56 PMSo that head is important!
i seriously start to ask myself now, should i read more story, or just wait one more hour.
that final hour seems it'll last forever :p
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