Alien Franchise Rule Book: for Members by Members

MemberTrilobiteMar-31-2017 1:36 PM“The Scified Alien Covenant Unified Rule Book for Future Movies in the Alien Franchise”
I ran this thread from 23-30 March. I may have edited to maintain flow so I hope it somewhat orderly.
I would first like to thank contributors alphabetically: Apex_Predator, BigDave,, Blackwinter-witch , chadsbrothermatt, Dk, Grinning & Dropping Linen, IRaptus, LV226, ninXeno426, and Parkerparrot
Here is the original link:
Rules in no particular order:
- to have characters written and developed well with no wishy washy whimsical religious zealots.
- Do not put too much emphasis on technology like holograms and such.
- No romance whatsoever in any alien movie.
- No stupid characters such as fifield and milburn (posted X 2)
- No time travel (mentioned X 4)
- Put Chris and BigDave on the pay roll as consultants/writers with possible cameos. (Dave chose a mutated Jabba)
- No more than 3 rewrites of the script. Pick an idea, flesh it out, and make the best version of that idea possible rather than trying to incorporate old versions into some new vision by some new writer. (mentioned X 2)
- there is no place for corny over the top cheesy/corny dialog and sequences in this film universe (aka anything similar to Resurrection would be banned)
- No predators in the alien film universe, they are both cool but tonally too different to share a film and it be worthy of either,,save that stuff for the comic books (mentioned X 2)
- not everything has to be explained ,keep some mystery in this universe so we have something our minds can run wild with (mentioned X 2)
- NEVER turn it into an Avengers where our protaginists are just taking our hordes after hordes, it would be silly....even though Aliens went with the action/war vibe it still kept some of the bleak tone and impending doom and terror
- Ripley is done, done done never again shoehorn her into a sequel or prequel
- Keep the main focus on morphing and mutating as the genesis of the species but still allow an occasional queen ...there is just more ghastly horror to play with when it comes to mutation, but the queen IMO is limited, she looks good our hero fights her thats it, having her on the screen dosnt really open up any storytelling doors for us other than a cool action scene
- Im fine with tech but make it look used or serviceable, if its too "bright and shiny" it takes away the tone and feel of the movie
- I do not ever want to see Weyland Yutani weaponize the xenomorph.If you want to know why,just play Colonial Marines.Enough said
- R rating only (mentioned X 2)
- No main character kids
- Defined chest-burster gestation period(s). To paraphrase, consistent time lines yet allow some wiggle room for hosts with mentioned physical conditions that may explain gestation time variations.
- Xenos not used as cannon-fodder that run around in open spaces, or broad daylight; Ambush/stalking predator only.
- No quotes from Ripley as a fanboy nod to her like 'that's not exactly out of the manual' or 'get away from her, you bitch'.
- Stay true to H.R Giger and his nightmareish world and design.
- No comedy. (Dark humor is OK here and there but not to the extent of Resurrection)
- Never, ever again a newborn or anything that resembles that abomination. (I am fine with neomorphs though..) (mentioned X 2)
- No "up in the blue, infantile dopehead" ideas in scripts or drafts like wooden planets ur sutch. Alien worlds yes, but please not stupid.
- No fan boy service other then set pieces and or details about the alien universe that serves to expand the world
- Never 100% CGI, always a mix of practical effects
- Dont rely on Ripley storyline
- Don’t have more than 2 years between movies.
- I just hope they have it all planned out A-Z even if we dont see every part of A-Z as long as they know what a A-Z would be and stick to things that wont contradict it, and so also to tidy up the mess that has been left before.
- Projectile weapons preferred, yet allow for Laser-based weapons as they are making steady progress with them in the real world
- NO stupid-looking weapons like the blue and orange (present-day Target-match pistols) weapons seen in PROMETHEUS. They looked like kid's toys.
- NO MORE FLAMETHROWERS!! At least not pre-assembled ones in the armory/ready-for-use ones like we saw in PROMETHEUS. It is the absolute height of mindless and suicidal stupidity to fire one aboard a starship, they're cliche`, have no real practical use aside from menacing an Alien, and the last thing you want is an alien running amok, on fire, acid bleeding from multiple and increasing places where it's skin has burned through/sloughed off, and setting even more of the ship on fire and burning holes in the ship all along its path.
- Do NOT even TRY to 'Star Trek It Up'...this is the ALIENverse, it has its own distinct feel, flavor and mien. There is NO Central Monolithic Unchallengeable Federation of Planets as The Prime Authority...and there NEVER will be. There are NO Government starships out 'patrolling the sector', and when you're between star systems, you're on your own.
- Characters should act and inter-relate like people do in reality, not by way of artificial/idealized 'Niceness'. Watch ALIEN for some great scenes between Ripley and Parker and their friction-points in personality
- People drink beer, some likely carry whisky/liquor flasks, they smoke, and have pin-ups all over the place. These are people, not Idealized Human Federation Citizens

MemberFacehuggerApr-01-2017 3:36 PMThe prosecutor peers from behind his overthrown table, trying to focus on the judge (which is not that easy with glasses that are missing one glass) saying with a faint voice: "Sir,I rest my case..."
"Bees have hives, man"

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 3:43 PMFeels a little woozy,then falls face down to the floor*
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 4:48 PMI noted the decisions about my suggestions and TY for such :D
...and just to say, Hubby pointed out that 'shotgun lasers' are one of the most horrific man-carried weapons yeah, gonna be using that in ALIEN: Manticore.
I love being married to a man of science. :D

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 5:10 PMZZZZZZZZZZZZZ*Snoring lol
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 5:37 PMRules ratified by Chris will require those members to formally write and submit (publically or PM) the rules to be added to the list. Approved authors will be added to the list of official contributors to the Rule Book.

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 5:47 PMRight,further instructions?
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 5:58 PMIt is in Chris' hands at this time. I have to say that the 3 plaintiffs had to work for their rules to get to this point and that is commendable. Hopefully Lone and Neomorph check in to see the results.

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 6:14 PMAs we await Chris' feedback, it is time for some giggles. This whole process reminds me a bit of this video for some reason lol!

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 8:52 PMLOVE your posts!! :D I would point out that ships can have cats, or dogs, birds, etc as mascots so they just need to be around/mentioned/seen to perform their function. EG: In my workpiece 'Mannie' is a Lynx kitten who is the designated mascot of the vessel 'Manticore'. Her main job is really as a morale-booster really, and this is mentioned in the work via the Captains observations of how morale has improved since her arrival aboard. I point this out so as to show that folks do not have to go to lengths of justifying a ship's cat by way of space-mice/rats or such. :D

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 8:57 PMZzzzzzzz,still sleeping,they forgot to wake nin up*lol
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 9:12 PMThe N9 has failed to wake up nin and therefore I have failed. I can excuse nin and BigDave...... Sorry, nin- *kicks his ribs and slaps face and rips tape off his mouth but is careful to avoid the nose. * Get up.......Get.....up! (Matrix reference).

MemberPraetorianApr-01-2017 9:23 PMWakes up violently,looks around at the destroyed court room*WTF did I sleep through*Sees all the damage*Did I do all that?Why do my ribs hurt?
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 9:28 PMBWW- I completely agree about the pets as morale boosters and think it is great your work place understands that. In my line of work, I have observed first hand how pet therapy can have positive outcomes for patients. I am also aware that some whom who call themselves witches- and that is a whole other topic- have cats called "familiars" if I recall correctly.
That said, what we discuss may be lost on casual viewers. Honestly, when I saw Alien and Aliens, I didn't see a real point for Jonsey except for the iconic scene where Brett got sacked. For a movie, I would expect to see a creature observed performing its purpose- sort of like how Clint Eastwood's horse did. It should be treated as a character like any other that we care as viewers what happens to it. I would also add the dog from I Am Legend- that was heavy f"£king duty what went down with that dog. In Aliens, Jonesey just went away. I hope that makes sense.

MemberTrilobiteApr-01-2017 9:31 PMYes, nin, you did ALL of it and that is why your ribs hurt......Parker Parrot did it! He had both motive and opportunity. I just crunch numbers and read and interpret rules. SAD.

MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 1:40 AMAww I missed all the courtroom fun :(
You guys are hilarious!!!
BigD get well soon, the site needs you! X
nin *could sleep through a black goo bombing attack*...lucky so and so...
dk thanks for allowing my contribution to the rule book to be considered and passed. It's a fine list and one which I totally endorse.
Neo Friend, I apologise for not supporting your motion regarding the *sputter* New...b...*spit*...ornnn....but you know how I feel about it!
People just don't understand how crucial and pivotal Jonesy was to the entire plot of A L I E N. He called the shots. Nor do they appreciate the devious ways of the moggie breed!
Six crew members died because for the most part they totally ignored Jonesy and never fed him. Ultimate mistake!
Ripley made it out because she spent quality time petting and cuddling him and she fed him!
MORB's and cats obviously have great affinity, similar stalking and telepathic abilities too. Jonesy agreed to help supply the Morb with 'canon fodder' as he wanted to make them suffer for their complete lack of subservience and obedience.
Jones can be seen in the background, eating from his bowl, during Kane’s last supper. He witnessed the chestburster, and Kane’s agonising death. How did Jones end up in the locker? Did the Alien deliberately shut him in? Jones was (in)directly responsible for Brett’s death, luring him into the landing leg bay, where the Alien lay in wait. He witnessed the Alien kill Brett, and drag him upwards into the air shafts. Although spooked, Jones wasn’t frightened enough to choose a hiding place where the Alien wasn’t lying in wait……. “You never fed me, so adios sucker!” Right?
Where was he during Dallas’s attempt to flush the Alien into the main airlock? Was he sneaking around the air shafts, causing the confusion with the motion tracker? Looking for Dallas, leading the Alien to him? Darn right he was!
Just as Parker and Lambert are about to meet their doom, Jones makes himself heard, diverting Ripley and ensuring that she just misses the Alien, and a chance to kill it, or be killed. Jones and the Alien had an understanding. If Jones helped lure the crew, the Alien would let him alone….hmm
When Ripley is on her way to the shuttle, but encounters the Alien in the corridor, she abandons Jones in her panic, and returns to try and stop the self destruct sequence. In anger, the Alien leers at Jones and swipes his cat carrier across the corridor… was then that they both realised they needed Ripley to get them off the ship. So, the Alien crawled into the shuttle’s pipework…then got blown out of the airlock…hahahah all part of the plan, leaving Jones to curl up with Ripley for 57 years!
“Come on cat.” Jonesy had the last laugh.
Never underestimate a wiley moggie. My top survival tip~ always be the one to feed your ship’s cat, and please remember to show him lots of affection!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberTrilobiteApr-02-2017 2:13 AMLone- Personally I am a dog person. A dog always greets and is excited when I come home even if I just make a twenty minute run to the store whereas cats just lay there and don't GAF. A wise comedian once said that you don't have a cat- the cat has you. That said, to each their own :) To be fair, I have had many cats in my life time and there were one or two standouts that were really cool.
Fun fact- I think there were at least three cats that played Jonsey in Alien/Aliens?

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 2:19 AMThis i hillarious! I really like the MP reference!
Lone... You're right about the cat! If you treat it right it will be "nice" to you. If you don't...
"Bees have hives, man"

MemberFacehuggerApr-02-2017 2:48 AM...And for the record, may I suggest that the Newb..glueergh, sorry, the Newb (cough!) In the future should be referred to as "the manboobed emotional peanut" wich was very well put from an participant, so that it is clear to everybody of what or whom we speak?
"Bees have hives, man"

MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 3:15 AMYes, what you said about Jones made sense, and I agree. I also agree about Samantha, the dog in I Am Legend, that was a total heart-shattering element in the movie.
In ALIEN: Manticore, the ship's 'mascot' serves as a reminder to the reader of the Human part of being Human. So, while she doesn't really 'do' much, she's the touchstone for the reader which is a pretty important job. :) She's more important in that task/function than would be considered if the crew was only composed of Humans. The crew has one member who is a creation of Genetic Engineering, based off an extrapolation of an experiment in today's real-world science where genes of Human and Porcine were successfully melded to create a stable chimeric DNA strand.
That said, I wanted to have an easily-graspable method for the reader to understand that she is very Human as well, despite being an engineered Chimeric lifeform. A ship's cat/mascot fills that job perfectly. :D
And I do have a Familiar, my little black babycat, Vesta. :D Pet therapy, indeed, has made very significant differences in many people's lives.

MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 4:09 AMI also would like to say 'Thank-You' regarding the consideration of my suggestions for the rulebook! :)
Here's some fun trivia about the movie that started it all:
Harrison Ford turned down the role of Captain Dallas.
Ridley Scott stated that in casting the role of Ripley, it ultimately came down to Sigourney Weaver and Meryl Streep. The two actresses had been college mates at Yale.
A scene originally cut, but re-inserted for the Director's Cut shows Lambert slapping Ripley in retaliation for Ripley's refusal to let her, Dallas, and Kane back on the ship. According to both Ridley Scott and Veronica Cartwright, every time she went to slap Sigourney Weaver, Sigourney would shy away. After about three or four takes of this, Scott finally told Cartwright "Not to hold back. Really hit her." Thus the very real shocked reactions of Weaver, Yaphet Kotto, and Harry Dean Stanton.
In the chest bursting scene, Veronica Cartwright, playing Lambert, screams when blood splatters on her. Her screaming was genuine; the cast didn't expect so much blood, and didn't know which way the blood would splatter.
A closer look at the alien eggs in the scene right before the facehugger reveals that slime on the eggs is dripping from bottom to top. Ridley Scott did this intentionally by shooting with the egg hanging from the ceiling and the camera upside down.
The decal on the door of the Nostromo is a "checkerboard square," the symbol on Purina's pet food label; it's meant to designate "alien chow."

MemberOvomorphApr-02-2017 7:33 AMThese are my votes, sorry I was late on this, thanks for including! I like the comments on flamethrower, unless its shown what the practical use is, it does seem kinda silly, but if they could show why they have it in first place, or that they cobbled together the tech, I dont mind.
- Y
- Don’t care
- Some but well written
- There can be a stupid character, just one!
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y (General Martin Perez I’m looking at you)
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Don’t Know never played colonial marines
- Y
- Y
- Y Generally just be consistant
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y newborn was poorly executed, I think there are better ideas to play with, they tried, they failed, move on. The human characteristics took the alien and mystery out of it.
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y
- Y

MemberChestbursterApr-02-2017 7:58 AM*Stumbles through the door and curses* Verdammte Axt! Too late... *looks at the wastland of a courtroom* Oh my...
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

AdminEngineerApr-02-2017 11:36 AMAs per Newborn, I would be content if it was abolished from the franchise. I never liked it personally. I liked the concept it represented, however, so it's a grey area.
As per weapomizing the Xenomorph, I dunno, I think if done well and intelligently perhaps? But it was a failed mess with Resurrection. I would however would be intrigued to see Humans somehow grasping the ability to manipulate and breed their own compliant Alien species and using it as defense against true Xenomorphic creations. That might be neat.
The rest of the rules look good to me, though. Nice work folks!

MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 2:07 PM"I would however would be intrigued to see Humans somehow grasping the ability to manipulate and breed their own compliant Alien species and using it as defense against true Xenomorphic creations. That might be neat."
Heh, with ALIEN: Manticore, you'll see something like that. Except I kept the creation based entirely off Terrestrial DNA, and there are some truly horrifying/scary/unsettling critters on our lovely blue ball of a planet so I had a lot to work with.
I went with the idea that given where Real-World commercial genetic engineering of hybrids is right now, and with the Synthetic industry in the ALIENverse, it stood to reason some company would work with Biological constructs instead of mechanical, especially for weapons. The market for weaponised lifeforms is huge, not just Military, but also personal security for the Elites of society and such.They were inspired partly by Replicants in R. Scott's Bladerunner as well.
Which also gives a back-door reason why W-Y is so hot to get a Xeno to be able to compete in and try to dominate the Biological Weapons market.
Unlike a Xeno, the reader/audience can see things from the perspective of this being and consider questions associated with the existence of a new species created by Humanity.

MemberPraetorianApr-02-2017 2:38 PMGets up of the courtroom floor,slightly delirious and state's to those crazy enough to still be present l*To all regarding rule 15 no on weaponizing the xenomorph(that's my rule)*Walks over and picks the board back of the floor mumbles*Where the f**k did everything go?Ah there they are!*Does his best to put everything back together*Looks like shit is still missing!OMG where did the Vulcan come from!*Vulcan raises an eyebrow*Never mind,guess that's an "illogical"question.Back on point.My case for weaponizing the xenomorph,article 15 in the fan rule book,is merely this:One Colonial Marines is merely a frame of reference(I was actually playing it last night,oh the irony)Two and more so to the point,If humanity were to ever harness the power of the xenomorph,then what have the xenomorph become?They should NEVER become humanity's play things.To do that would rob them of any power and menace they possess.They should be as they always have been at the top of the food chain,not under the control of mankind.
Nothing the God of biomechanics wouldn't let you in heaven for

MemberTrilobiteApr-02-2017 2:40 PMBlackwinter Witch, Lone and Neomorph-
It appears your proposals have been approved. Congratulations!
Please submit them in writing (PM or on the thread) and I will update the list and add your names to the contributors' list.

MemberTrilobiteApr-02-2017 2:42 PMBWW- Is Manticore going to be a digital book or something published in paper back? Sounds interesting.

MemberChestbursterApr-02-2017 2:48 PM*crosses his arms and and grins at ninX* Things went a bit overboard,eh? And what is Spocky doin' here? Isn't he a bit off his starcharts?
Eine Theorie die nicht auf Etwas solidem basiert ist für gewöhnlich nur Geschwätz.

MemberTrilobiteApr-02-2017 2:59 PMA Tiwaz-
*The Vulcan regards Tiwaz* Sir, I am not limited to star charts as I have died saving the crew of the Enterprise and live again. The crew also met the creator of all in Star Trek V while this universe is still searching for what we have already found.