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Had my first Alien dream last night xD

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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 11:39 PM

Woah! So I had my first dream involving xenomorphs last night.  It wasn't scary at all, more interesting than anything. I remember being super excited and thinking to myself "Is this really happening?" Obviously I had absolutely no idea I was dreaming, I'm still yet to unlock lucid dreaming, unfortunately. So I was just in complete awe taking in my surroundings.

I don't remember who I was with, but I do remember being inside a kind of space station, in a large open area that looked similar to where Ripley fought the Queen with the Powerloader. We were also running down long white/silver corridors with long horizontal windows running along the entire length of each side of the corridor, so I could effectively see what was happening outside also.

Back at the open area there was a giant hole in the centre of wherever we were, presumably for a ship to dock, and the xeno's were climbing out of this hole and going to town on everyone. Man it was freakin' epic! It was like playing a really good version of Colonial Marines LOL.

Unfortunately there were no facehuggers, instead giant cockroaches which crawled down the back of people's shirts. No clue how it affected them as I woke up as soon as I saw a space cockroach climb down someone's shirt, I must've become a little wary here and the over-excitement woke me up.

Upon waking I completely forgot about it, and around 3 hours later when I logged in here, it all came rushing back :D

Anyway I felt compelled to share with you guys, it was seriously one of the coolest dreams I've had recently. Anyone had any similar experiences?

44 Replies


MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 4:06 AM

Ever since I started being an active follower of Alien Covenant, Xenomorphs have occurred in every dream I have had since, some obviously xenomorphs others have aspects of the xenomorphs, all in all pretty cool especially when you have a best friend xenomorph named James.

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 4:10 AM

Awesome, thanks guys!

BWW I absolutely suck at lucid dreaming, I wish I could activate it but my dreams are so realistic that I just assume I'm awake and go along with it, I'm sure you know EXACTLY what I mean.

There's also a herb you can employ to help induce lucid dreams, it's called 'Calea Zacatechichi' and is a really fun word to say.
I've used it several times and have had REALLY vivid dreams, but haven't become lucid yet. It's perfectly legal however it's just extremely bitter. Absolutely disgusting to drink so I couldn't keep working with it lol


MemberDeaconMay-10-2017 5:30 AM

NO NO NO....

I am not standing for Aliens vs Starship Troopers lol

Joke... interesting dream, and we have to remember John Spaights idea was not the Black or Sacrificial Goo, but Tiny Nano Scarabs... that had the same effect and if people study Spaights Scarabs then the Black Goo makes perfect Sense.

so why not having giant Alien DNA Cockroach/Scarabs, if you wanted to continue the dream, then introducing Spaights draft idea would have been good... that the Cockroach/Scarab infects the Host with a Mutagen Virus, that either gives us a Fifield but more Alien DNA (like Spaights draft) or even similar to how the Neomorphs are born in Alien Covenant.

I would write down everything you remember, and try and think of the dream again over and over and maybe you can get more ideas and then make yourself a Short Fan Novel from it ;)

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconMay-10-2017 5:32 AM

When i sleep... and i mean when lol

I do get Sleep Paralysis quite a bit,  1-3 times month, but i also get like a Groundhog day version 3-5 times a month lol

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 5:46 AM

That's a great idea. I don't think seeing the roaches had anything to do with Spaights draft but I'm aware he was using scarabs. I liked the idea quite a bit actually.
One of my hobbies is growing chilli and cactus and as you can imagine I come across spiders and insects a lot. I'm also a huge arachnophobic so I think this is why they showed up at the last minute and why they forced me to wake up, the bugs wigged me out more than the aliens lol.

I kept a dream journal in my previous phone but have been pretty lazy lately, I'll try to think of what else happened but I suck at story-telling, and the dream I had was definitely more along the lines of Aliens as opposed to Alien, for better or for worse.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 5:48 AM

..or even Starship Troopers hehe

Shasta cyclone

MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 6:03 AM

a few months back I had a dream that I was part of the colonial marines and we were fighting off the Xenos and some how came up with a way to exterminate them. Bleach and weed killer. I remember everyone ecstatic because we were going to survive and then I woke up.....not understanding the bleach and weed killer part and how in the world that got in there. 


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 6:08 AM


Yeppers, I know exactly what you mean! The rare times I remember in the dreamscape to remember the concept of lucid dreaming are very few and far between, even rarer that when I try it I don't wake myself up...I need some more practice it seems :D

That herb sounds like it might be worth a try, TY for mentioning it!


I ALWAYS have a notepad on my night table, and it gets a lot of use...not everything I note down makes sense when I'm fully awake though...
Sorry about the frquent bouts of sleep paralysis, I hope you at least get some decently entertaining/interesting dreams of such episodes?





The Hooded Figure

MemberChestbursterMay-10-2017 6:39 AM



MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 12:30 PM

Shasta cyclone you probably got the idea for bleach and weed killer from the fact that bleach breaks down organic compounds and weed killer probably because xenomorphs are view as a plague that spreads quickly similar to weeds

Look upon my works, you mighty, and despair


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 3:50 PM

@Godzilla: King of the Monsters. wow sleep paralysis everyday?! That must be intense?

I've never experienced it but I imagine its not much fun.

The Hooded Figure

MemberChestbursterMay-10-2017 4:08 PM



MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 4:29 PM

BigDave I tried the dream journal thing when I was trying to learn to control dreams much like you described. The problem I had was that I was supposed to write everything down immediately upon waking. Going back to sleep and doing it later will be less accurate as the mind tries to make sense and fill in blanks. Imagine writing down immediately after waking- later on I noticed the penmanship was so bad I couldn't read it lol. I did reach a point to have some minor influence but I became aware and woke up. It was a fun little experiment but I just gave it up!

Godzilla: King of the Monsters I have never heard of chronic sleep paralysis. Not trying to sound a butinsky, but if it bothers you, you might want to have that checked out if it hasn't happened.



MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 4:38 PM

yes especially if it is bothering you mate, have it checked out.


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