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Had my first Alien dream last night xD

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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2017 11:39 PM

Woah! So I had my first dream involving xenomorphs last night.  It wasn't scary at all, more interesting than anything. I remember being super excited and thinking to myself "Is this really happening?" Obviously I had absolutely no idea I was dreaming, I'm still yet to unlock lucid dreaming, unfortunately. So I was just in complete awe taking in my surroundings.

I don't remember who I was with, but I do remember being inside a kind of space station, in a large open area that looked similar to where Ripley fought the Queen with the Powerloader. We were also running down long white/silver corridors with long horizontal windows running along the entire length of each side of the corridor, so I could effectively see what was happening outside also.

Back at the open area there was a giant hole in the centre of wherever we were, presumably for a ship to dock, and the xeno's were climbing out of this hole and going to town on everyone. Man it was freakin' epic! It was like playing a really good version of Colonial Marines LOL.

Unfortunately there were no facehuggers, instead giant cockroaches which crawled down the back of people's shirts. No clue how it affected them as I woke up as soon as I saw a space cockroach climb down someone's shirt, I must've become a little wary here and the over-excitement woke me up.

Upon waking I completely forgot about it, and around 3 hours later when I logged in here, it all came rushing back :D

Anyway I felt compelled to share with you guys, it was seriously one of the coolest dreams I've had recently. Anyone had any similar experiences?

44 Replies


MemberTrilobiteMay-09-2017 11:51 PM

Interesting and thanks for sharing. Dreams are certainly interesting. They  can be all over the map- I had a similar dream where the adventure was almost over and I realized that I had to go to work. So I went home to bed, got up, did the routine and then my alarm went off and I realized it was all a dream.

Weird experience but pretty cool over all!


MemberPraetorianMay-09-2017 11:52 PM

ALIEN dreams, yeah :)

Mine scare me almost stupid...they're truly terrifying, and i'll wake up, sorta, and be paralyzed with fear that if I move I'll attract notice. Then I fully wake up and just enjoy the residue of the terror-thrill...I love/hate them :)





Something Real

MemberTrilobiteMay-09-2017 11:55 PM

M577 - It sounds as if you enjoyed your experience! I am quite pleased for you! :)


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:01 AM

Dream paralysis is weird! You are conscious but unable to move. It is not fear inducing but very strange.

Interesting thread! Upvoted!

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:03 AM

DK - I have experienced Sleep Paralysis once before. It was extremely terrifying for me!


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:08 AM

Something Real I guess it affects people differently. Sometimes I realize it is happening and kind of enjoy it and then an external noise jars me out of it. Thankfully, I don't get night terrors- those sound terrible in more ways than one.

Something Real

MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:15 AM

DK - I agree; I would never wish to experience a night terror! 


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:20 AM

Yeah dk I've only experienced sleep paralysis once, I didn't hallucinate any figures in my room or anything but lacking the ability to move or, even, scream, terrified me to my core. I'd like to be one of the people who can get into the groove and enjoy it, but don't see it happening. Apparently sleeping on your back increases your chances of waking up with sleep paralysis, whether true or not I'm unsure.

Blackwinter-witch I've never really had scary dreams regarding aliens, they're usually paranormal related instead. One dream I recall this girl died for some reason I can't remember, anyway I walked into another room and she was there again, alive, staring right through me. That scared the shit out of me. I'm usually okay once I wake up and realise it's just a dream but the memory of it shook me for about a week.

SomethingReal I enjoyed it immensely! Wish I could go back hehe.


MemberFacehuggerMay-10-2017 12:22 AM

I LOVE dreaming with Alien in it



Something Real

MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:23 AM

M577 - I wish you the best of luck in returning to your dream in the future. :)


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:29 AM

M577 You are correct at least for me- I noticed that I was always supine during sleep paralysis.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 12:33 AM


Yeah, it's a weird thing, but it only happens once a year on average, and only with dreams about ALIEN, so...I kinda consider it a 'private showing' movie sequel or short-movie. :)

But the Fear is so KNOW you can move, but you don't want to, and don't want to even breathe loudly...I never hallucinate figures in the room as I never open my eyes though.

Something Real

Yeah, even when you realize what it still DON'T WANT TO RISK MOVING, it is a...Perfect Moment of Terror, sleep paralysis.


Yeah, I can see where a dream like that would leave you rattled for a week, or even longer. I have the odd paranormal dream now and then, but nothing as vivid as that, I envy you that experience, in the Good way, though, to be sure. :)






MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:42 AM

BWW- The sleep paralysis experience varies. Sometimes I scratch an itch on my back while realizing I couldn't possibly do it supine- and that realization wakes me up. I love little things like that and am glad someone made a thread!


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 12:44 AM

I've been plagued with xenomorph dreams since i was 12....i am now in my 30's. Like you BWW, i love/hate them lol. Must be a creative person thing lol and/or watching the films a little bit too early in life hahah.....pffft never too early.

Mine usually involve being alone, often in an empty spaceship and simply knowing there is a xeno there somewhere, waiting. With usually a facehugger on the prowl. 


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 12:49 AM

Mine are all over the map. They could be real world in my home, a Xeno, on Gilligan's Island, or all mixed into one! Go figure. I am serious.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:52 AM

lol dk I had to google supine but thank you I now have a new word in my vocabulary :P
Sleeping that way is the most comfortable for me but I often go to bed hoping I don't wake up with sleep paralysis and wishing I hadn't stupidly googled 'what causes sleep paralysis,' knowing sleeping on your back causes it more just makes it that much scarier for me lol.


I suspect our Alien dreams must be pretty much the opposite LOL, it must be for you like you're actually in the movie, scared shitless with this thing hunting you?
For me last night it felt like I wasn't a part of it, but more a spectator of the goings on. I was ultra interested in the place I was in. Maybe my subconscious knew this hence why I wasn't scared.

Interestingly, before I went to bed, I was looking at the latest pics from David's lab and watched a few bloopers where they're walking around saying how cool it is. I distinctly remember thinking to myself the movie won't be enough and I wish I could just spend hours in there looking at all of David's drawings, experiments etc.. and even though the dream I had wasn't in David's lab I have a feeling this is maybe why I dreamt it and why I wasn't scared.. idk.. It was cool and I was enjoying looking around and taking everything in. I'm probably wrong but that seems interesting to me :D

LOL the paranormal dreams are pretty cool in that WTF? kind of way where you still don't realise you're dreaming but your brain is imploding trying to make sense of what it is seeing, kind of like high doses of acid or mushrooms where you can CLEARLY see what you're seeing but have no clue how the thing you're seeing can exist. That's the best analogy I can think of, but the pure horror of it at the time is too much for me.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 12:53 AM

alright. cool. glad to know its not just me messed up by this franchise hahahaha jks. Aliens PTSD


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:57 AM

@ dk  'Sometimes I scratch an itch on my back while realizing I couldn't possibly do it supine'

That is cool! I can't ever recall having a dream where I've done something to trigger a thought about my non-dream self.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 12:58 AM

I'd love to be able to lucid dream and visit LV-426.


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:08 AM

M577 I wrote a song about dreams years ago when I kept a dream journal. The conclusion of the experience and the song was- "I find no meaning, I just enjoy the ride." They are only dreams.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:09 AM


True, it does vary from person to person. And yeah, only ever happens to me when I'm on my back. In the dreams though, such oddities like you mention either do not happen for me, OR my mind just goes 'ok that's normal'...though I'm usually too scared to notice :D


My Dad introduced me to ALIEN at 10, so kinda set the stage :D Mine are all in our world, like being alone in the house at night, all lights off...and the Alien is inside the house...and you KNOW it is. :)
Or, one dream was a shopping mall, at night, all lights off, and yeah,'s Around...

One dream, they were all erupting from manhole covers and it was a bright, perfect summer day down by the old Alberta Museum...THAT one scared me almost grey-haired. :D


Alien on Gilligan's Island...well, the dreamscape does have it's OWN rules, I can see it.


Yep, exactly...alone and I know it's prowling about, just waiting for some mistake to tell it where to find me, or hiding, and hoping it doesn't find me as I sense it pass by, that kind of stuff.

Yeah, 'Observational' type dreams, they can be unsettling, but they're never as terrifying as first-person dreams. That and yeah, you found his lab to be Interesting, so the mind I think pursues that angle instead of fear.

Paranormal dreams and hallucinigenic drugs...well, I can relate, as I was on this one medication once...accidentally owing to a pharmacy screw up. Wasn't sinus meds in the bottle I got...anyways, yeah, it did to my mind what you describe. :)


Nope, you're good...we're all pretty happily screwed-up here :D






MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:14 AM

True story, my originals band has a song called I,Raptus lol......

It is a play on word. The song lyrics refers to roman/latin law meaning "I, Steal" but it is a subtle nod to I.Raptus (spp) aka the xenomorph...



MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 1:16 AM

BWW did you play Alien: Isolation a lot? Did it leave a lasting effect on your psyche? I wonder if that has anything to do with it? 

The scene you describe at the Alberta Museum on a bright sunny day sounds epic btw haha I'm trying to figure out how that'd be scary :D


MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 1:27 AM

This turned out to be one of those unexpected cool threads! Sorry M577 I already up voted.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:31 AM

Agreed dk! i will use my upvote powers!


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:33 AM


Cool! I was pondering it as a play on 'iPhone' and 'Raptus' (Alien)...well, got it half right and I like your direction better!


I've been dream-stalked by The Alien since I was about 11 years old, so that was going on LONG before ALIEN: Isolation. :)
Maybe the designers of that game have similar dreams??

Well, it's scary when your in a convertible (never been in a real one in my life) and there's a radio blurb about Emergency Alert Broadcast, stay tuned, then goes to static, and then as your driving, you see manhole covers start lifting up as you pass them...
It was a messed up dream...bright, perfect summer's day...and Aliens.
I didn't sleep for 2 days after that one :D






MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 1:43 AM

Tried upvoting, forgot I already did :)






MemberOvomorphMay-10-2017 2:51 AM

Ahhhhh those manholes! I thought you meant similar to the hole leading into your attic, we call those manholes here in Australia.

So I was picturing xenos coming out of holes under the gutters from the museum roof and crawling down the walls. Thinking to myself that'd look visually amazing! I see where you're coming from now, they'd be everywhere as you're driving past, behind you even LOL. Awesome description with the radio too, I can rarely pull minute aspects like that out of my dreams, they're always extremely fleeting. As soon as I wake up pretty much everything except the main idea from the dream has faded by the time my feet hit the floor.

Have you tried equipping a pulse rifle and seeing what happens? My old man always told me if you're dreaming of aliens remember to dream you have a laser gun with you haha.

PS thanks for the upvotes guys :) I have no idea how they work though, is there an explanation for that kind of stuff in a rules section? There's also star with an 8 next to it on my profile, no clue what that means either.


MemberPraetorianMay-10-2017 3:12 AM


Yeah, that idea of yours about the museum WOULD look great!! Unfortunately, my dreamscape writes it's own scripts. :)

I taught myself how to remember dreams after i got so annoyed with losing ones I wanted to remember, it just takes time and remembering to remember first thing upon awakening...after a while, it becomes reflexive :)

Heh, good advice from your Father, but while I can lucid dream a bit, now and those ALIEN dreams, too scared to think really :)

Here's how it all works






MemberTrilobiteMay-10-2017 3:37 AM

For upvotes-

There is a thumbs up icon right above your avatar. Members click on it if they like the thread and you do the same if you like theirs. 4 people up voted this single thread that added to your other 4 giving you your total 8 up votes.

For the other stuff like XP, BWW posted that and I have never checked out how that stuff works.

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