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Humanoid head statue from Prometheus under construction for Alien: Covenant!
Scified2016-04-13 06:24:23
Written by Chris11,652 Reads8 Comments2016-04-13 06:24:23

The massive Humanoid head structure seen in Prometheus will be making another appearance in Alien: Covenant! Currently the monument is being constructed at Fox Studios Australia, where Covenant is set to film shortly. 

Does this mean David will discover another Human chamber on Paradise? Or do the crew of the Covenant visit LV-223 prior to heading to Paradise and discover the remains of the Prometheus mission as well as the Engineer temple? This certainly raises many questions, what do you think?

Thanks to charlietong123 on Instagram for the image!

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MemberNeomorphApr-13-2016 8:14 AM

I think that the head that they found on the planet was interesting. They never really said what it was about so that could be interesting to get a little information about in alien: covenant. My guess is that it has it something to do with some ritual possibly religious.


AdminEngineerApr-13-2016 8:18 AM

I always thought it was an identifier - like everything in THIS room is designed to target HUMAN DNA. I always expected we would see other rooms with different statues representing different life forms.


MemberTrilobiteApr-13-2016 9:08 AM

@ Chris Picard, I personally think that is what the mural is for; an identifier - showing the lifecycle of each specimen for each room. The big human head to me is like the head atop the pyramid/dome, its much more of an idol, with some greater, spiritual or traditional significance.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphApr-13-2016 12:53 PM

Hi guys, long time since I posted. Looks like the sequel is on the doorstep. Wow, like what you've done with the place Chris! I agree with the multiple room theory (now where is that Predator room again, lol).

Hi to you too Mr. Snorkelbottom!


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2016 1:38 PM

Interesting how the two snippets that have popped up today about the new head being built and the scene involving "Cuddles" is playing right into my plot theory!!!

My theory is that Alien: Covenant opens with The Covenant ship (which is beat to hell and on its last leg) arriving on Paradise. The air lock door lowers to David standing directly outside of the ship to welcome the new arrivals. Only a few of the crew remain, who are also as beaten up as the ship! David asks them how they found the location of "Paradise" and the story begins... Basically 90% of Alien: Covenant is a flashback. The Covenant crew some how get a hold of the location of LV-223 and seek it out. They set down on the surface and a very similar chain of events takes place (given they will have their own "David" on board given evidence of Scott stating there WILL be multiple Davids in this film). The crew discovers the wreckage of the downed Engineers ship, their David figures out the Engineers technology and finds that a course had been figured out by our prior David to "Paradise". There is "accelerant" everywhere (name given in the Dark Horse comics to the black goo), someone gets infected prior to lift off as well as the Covenants David bringing a container back on board... all the while with this going on, our dear Deacon sneaks aboard (per a Dark Horse artist Ive spoken with involved in Fire and Stone, they are smarter than your typical Xeno and have an almost human level of intelligence). The Covenant takes off and "**** hits the fan" on the trip out to Paradise. This is where I get fuzzy in my own head, but in my plot line, we get to see an adult Deacon on board plus a few other "monsters" that perhaps the Covenants David works up by experimenting with the crew much as the Promtheus' David did in the first film. Basically the crew is picked off, Aliens style shena****ns ensue and the Deacon is killed fighting with another Xeno being that has been conjured up (I get the feeling the Deacon will be the anti-hero of the film). The movie cuts back to the crew on Paradise talking to David and asks "Were there any survivors from the Prometheus expedition?" David responds with "Just one..." as they are walking in a rather familiar "Xeno/Engineer" style hallway. Cut to Elizabeth Shaw still in hyperstasis with a partial Engineer bio suit on. "I never woke her up, she was still infected..." and the movie cuts to black, credits roll, people complain and we patient wait 4-5 years for Part 3... le sigh

But yeah, this all seems to be feeding the idea in my head that Ive had since Scott started letting plot details slip as well as 20th Century Fox releasing the "official" plot synopsis. There is NO WAY they would phase out a character like Shaw, she was honestly right up there with Ripley in here character depth!!! I think she was excluded from Alien: Covenant so they could really start building a full story line and help REALLY develop the depth of what was left on LV-223 and perhaps what the goo is actually capable of when given more time to work with!

Plus, who doesnt wanna see an adult Deacon??? (if anyone raises their hands, they will promptly be ejected from the nearest airlock)


MemberOvomorphApr-13-2016 6:35 PM

Behind the head we can see another clue. There is what looks like towering shaped stonework in a huge set. 


MemberOvomorphApr-15-2016 6:34 AM

Omg that's so cool! I'm really hyped for the new movie. Guys, just came over an article that made me a bit irritated, I didn't know about this. Apparently they agreed to make a alien themed casino slot machine, are they trying to gain every single nickle of the franchise or what's their problem?


MemberNeomorphApr-15-2016 1:25 PM

Romana1: I hope that the slot machine isn't true because if so it is just another way to encourage zero minded consumerism (turn everything into merchandise and profit).

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