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The big Head?

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MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:23 AM
So what's the deal with that big head statue....anyone who's seen the movie...does it actually have any real function that ties into the plot. I just remember all these bizarre speculations about the Head statue and it's big meaning and presence...and why it's their and...and...and? I am gonna laughs my ass of if it was just an expensive set-piece...and nothing more!
18 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:29 AM
What's the big deal with the statue of liberty? what's the big deal about eiffel tower etc?


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:43 AM
I think it has a religious meaning to the Engineers. I also think these bastards were absolutely arrogant ^^ But it seems to me that the whole room containing the head is a temple of some kind.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:46 AM
don't get me wrong....I am sure it looks splendid on screen and it was a worthy it does lend appeal to the environment. Such an odd thing to find out their in some alien temple? It's funny how much we thought it would form an integral part of the plot....and how much speculation it generated... gonna be one of those unanswered mysteries of Prometheus.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:49 AM
The Big Head is the Equivalent of the Big Foot. [url][/url]


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 4:56 AM
lol the big head discovery is totally underplayed in the movie even because we know from the start ( a splendid start ) that the Engineers look humanoid ...also shaw and ford are busy with another head and they pay little attention to this ... to me the head look more little in the movie ( can be just a sensation )


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 5:02 AM
why do different civilisations make type of paintins and statues? we just do maybe it's the head of their cesar in the middle of the room?


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 5:12 AM
...that scene in the temple (a very recent clip) that can now be downloaded...I watched looked great but it felt a little that scene cut or is that how it appears in the movie? I think the reason why their was a lot of speculation around the head is cause it appeared in nearly all the posters....not that it brother's me if it does not have much of a function...I was just curious...the spoilers don't make much mention of it.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 5:15 AM
it's an engineers head. So it's important.


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 5:44 AM
Well, I must admit that for a moment (long time ago) I believed the fake spoiler that said that the head was a bio brain LOL


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 7:13 AM
i was obsessed by the idea that the head moves


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 7:25 AM
....and a lot of people thought the head was modeled on one of the characters in the movie...."..look it's David, no it's Hollaway look at the lips, it's clearly Peter Weyland!!!"..ha ha's funny to look back now!


MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 8:44 AM
Yeah, they are arrogant (for a good reason) and they just wanted to show their power.


MemberOvomorphJun-05-2012 5:33 AM
well, think about it this way: ALIEN had its big enigmatic Space Jockey (which was never explained) PROMETHEUS had its big enigmatic Head (which was never explained) we never got a 'translation' of the text on its face, from David. we never got a 'translation' of the text on the urn, from David. we never got a 'translation' of the text on the wall, from David. Did we even get a translation of the conversation between awaken'd Engineer and David? I forget/forgot.
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MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 5:29 AM
UPDATE: David said, "I want more life, f***er," just like Roy Batty in Blade Runner. BUT STILL: no explanation of the BIG HEAD in Prometheus - it's a chimera.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 3:36 PM
it has a purpose, its sending harry solomon messages. [img][/img]
[img][/img] [url=]BarleysFund[/url]

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 2:49 PM
The Big Head Statue is the biggest art form we have seen ,, There is a another 'Big Head' on the top of the Pyramid,,,but I could not compare the two profiles. The murals might be considered as art...but the Big Heads are the most visible and I think that makes them significant to the telling of our story..not because of my thoughts..but because of the way they were displayed in the Engineers' world.. I recall reading a description of a smaller staue from an older culture .It was not properly porportioned,,but what was prominant meant that was the most important. In this movie we see that David's head is ripped the Last Engineer..This may reflect his conditioning (Religious/cultural) somehow tied into the Big Head statues..
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MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 5:06 PM
@Custodian; Quote: [i]BUT STILL: no explanation of the BIG HEAD in Prometheus - it's a chimera.[/i] The big head is a God, R. Scott got the idea from greek mythology that always attributed to the Orpheus head the gift of prophecy. Then the ampule room was an oracle, I think, for the simple reason that the head shows the future drawn on murals, when explorers reach to ampule room, murals clearly reflected what happened to them the Engineers, and suddenly the wall changes taking diferent shape, as well as our ancestors did in the past in caves with representations, were left there as a warning or what they had seen.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-31-2012 6:58 AM
"'s a chimera.." Do you mean this work in the Classic Greek tradition,,,or it's biological meaning? It seems to me that each could apply to our movie.. (I admit I needed to Google this word)
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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