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MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 5:02 PMHello everyone!
I have 5 extra copies of the IMAX 12:01 Prometheus posters as well as 3 of the Prometheus "half sheets" that are burning a hole in my poster collection and must go. So, we're going to run a contest. Here's the low down...
To enter simply post in this thread what Prometheus means to you. Things like why you like it, what you think it's all about etc.
The contest will run for 2 weeks at which point myself along with some other forum members will pick the best, most creative entries. 5 first place winners will recieve one IMAX 12:01 Prometheus poster. 3 runners up will recieve one Prometheus "half sheet" poster.
There are a few rules so if you want to enter please read carefully...
1)Please take this seriously. I know some wont but I have to implore people that don't want the poster or didn't enjoy the film not to post.
2)Please don't enter if you already have a copy of the poster. If you do have one and still want to post then, by all means, please do. Just include [b]"EXEMPT ENTRY"[/b] at the top of your post so I will know you already have one. I know there are members here who didn't get a chance to get one of these so this rule is a biggie.
3)Winners must pay for shipping and handling. The term "shipping and handling" includes what it costs to pack the poster and any shipping charges. You will not be charged a penny over what shipping costs. I get a great discount at FedEx and it will be very inexpensive. I can ship overseas so please don't let that hold you back.
4)Payment for shipping and handling has to be paid thru paypal. There may be a very small fee to use paypal and winners are responsible for that as well. It will more than likley be no more than $1 USD if any.
5)Please understand that this is not a discussion thread. Entries only please. No responses to other member's posts.
6)One entry per member of course.
So, that's it. Lets hear what you guys have to say!
37 Replies

MemberOvomorphJul-06-2012 4:00 PMAnd the grand prize goes to...
The runners up are...
Yep, that's right! EVERYONE who entered is a winner! Everyone will get a poster thanks to Chris and Antony(aka Abordoli) who donated enough to cover all participants!
I'd like to thank everyone for all the great entries. Members like you guys really make this forum what it is. And what it is is an awesome place to get to hang with intelligent and fun people who have the same interests.
An extra special thanks goes to the site Admin, Chris and Antony aka Abordoli. Without them this contest would not have been possible.
Thanks to all the staff for working so hard to keep this place under control!

MemberOvomorphJul-07-2012 5:42 AMWOW! thank you SO MUCH for choosing me! *tears of joy*
congratulations to everyone!

MemberOvomorphJul-09-2012 11:01 AM[b]HOLY....[/b]
I was prepared to give my usual "Goddammit I never win anything" speech, and then I read that all participants won! I had no idea, and I'm glad I stopped by!
Thanks to all that made this possible! If someone sent an email about the results of this contest, I did not receive it.

MemberOvomorphJul-12-2012 12:44 AMWow that is amazing! Are we really all getting posters? Prometheus, are you seeing this!?

MemberOvomorphJul-13-2012 7:40 PMYes, everyone that posted an entry is getting a poster.
I do need to add a few comments here as sending pms to all participants is very time consuming.
First off, as all participants know from the pm I sent you, I am having to wait for some of the extra posters to be sent to me. After they get here I'm going to allow 1 extra week for members to claim their prize. I've already got pms from many of you.
So, to make it fair to everyone, I'm going to wait until the extra posters arrive, then I'm going to pack them, then I'm going to allow ONE EXTRA WEEK for anyone who has not claimed their prize yet. If all are claimed then this will be negated of course.
But since it's not fair to me to have to go back and forth to the post office 20 times and it's not fair for you guys to have wait eons to get your posters
this is the best and most fair option I could think of.
If you are going to be taking some time off from the forum please pm me your email address so I can get ahold of you in case I need anything further.
Also, please check back to this thread from time to time as I might be making updates that you may miss.
Sorry for the semi-confusion. This is the first time I've done anything like this so I'm learning as I go. I hope it's al; worth it to you guys.
Oh, and feel free to discuss any of the entries if you wish.

MemberOvomorphAug-03-2012 9:09 AMQuick heads up. I'm still waiting on the extra posters to arrive but as of now I'm going to give everyone who enetered 1 more week to send me your info and claim your prize. I will be contacting everyone who does claim their prize about 10 days from now with further instructions.
So, if you want your poster make sure you email me your address quickly. After 7 days from today there will be no going back.
Sorry about the long wait guys. You will soon have your posters though. Thanks for your patience and understanding.

MemberOvomorphOct-07-2012 5:26 AMWhatever happened with this contest? Did anyone get their poster yet?
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