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Scified veterans (Prometheus)

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MemberTrilobiteMar-08-2017 9:15 PM

How would you rate the overall hype and thread activity from Prometheus to AC?

97 Replies

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-12-2017 3:44 PM

Hey up Lone! :)

The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-12-2017 3:50 PM

I love BigDave's stats and measurements. You make me smile BigD ! ;D

And they're always 99.9% accurate!

And you do it without patronising people, unlike someone I could mention.


The poster was good though!


Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-12-2017 3:58 PM

Upvoted this nostalgia fest!

The poster was good though!



MemberDeaconMar-12-2017 4:33 PM

Cheers Guys ;)

And Thanks Necronom 4

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphMar-12-2017 4:55 PM

You're welcome BigD! I really don't think there's anyone more dedicated to the ALIEN franchise than you pal!

Yes, I think a lot of people found Belladonna to be quite strange and couldn't deal with it but I quite like strange people.


The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphMar-13-2017 8:41 AM

Hey guys,

Odd question I know but I was directed to the Prometheus vets by another member, regarding my search for the Agent9 fan edit of Prometheus. I've come to the conclusion it's the best yet my online search has been fruitless.

If anyone is able to shoot me a PM helping me in the right direction it'd be much appreciated :)



MemberNeomorphMar-15-2017 8:53 AM

I probably don’t count as a sci-fied veteran so maybe my opinion won’t mean anything but anyways.


I probably though less about Prometheus as time went on. The more time that passed the more I saw the flaws in it. The studio made a mess of this, not Ridley.


Much of the criticism of Prometheus is justified but I don’t understand the hatred that it seems that some people have or at least had against it. I don’t see a point of hating a movie unless it advocates some huge cruelty. This is just me, I prefer intellect before getting carried away by emotions because after all intellect is what separates humans from animals.


The movie still feels as a disappointment in general because of how it could have been. Look at the scenes that they left out for example the Xeno Fifield. It is not a huge disaster but it could have been so much better.


As far as some sort of hype-o-meter is concerned I probably have a 5/10. It will be interesting to see how it will be but I am also having a huge amount of skepticism even more so when I think about how Prometheus turned out. Hopefully it will get better this time but I will save my judgement until after I have watched the movie which is the rational thing to do IMO.


Hopefully we will see a movie (AC) that has more of a Spaights vibe to it. It would be nice if they would pay tribute to Spaights in some way but I don’t try to expect a lot. There will probably be things here that could have been improved as well.


Big Dave:


“It now SEEMS that Alien Covenant is teasing these again but with Xenos for 100% this time... but i think some of those fans may feel let down.”


I probably won’t, as long as it has a better connection to the Xeno and better characters I will be fine with it. One problem is that we have Xeno fans and fans of Engineers so that could make it difficult to make both feel happy about the result.


Prometheus’s lack of Xeno wasn’t the main problems, the characters were. Sure it could have had a better Xenomorph connection but it has more problems than that.


So, the Engineers were created by some but I am not sure if I am interested in that part. What I am interested in is how they are connected to the Xeno because it seems to me that they are from comparing the Space jockey to the Engineers. If they are not connected to it then I don’t see what is so interesting about them but they could be so indirectly but it still leaves us with the question how the SJ got the eggs if the SJ is an engineer.

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