(IT Facebook) Alien Day Arrival Message

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 1:19 PM
Animated video gif from the italian facebook with a Alien Day Countdown, but looks like MOTHER's voice, sounds like a female distorted voice, what do you think about it?

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 3:38 PM@Nycro
English version: (similar voice)

MemberChestbursterApr-23-2017 8:42 PMDefinitely there is a short frame from MOTHER with an electronic and distorted voice, very similar to the classic quote "the ship will detonate in T minus 10 minutes" from ALIEN final countdown.

MemberChestbursterApr-24-2017 1:28 AMis muthur 6000 still online i went to look again last few days cant find it on anything to do with fox? even followed a link on here
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