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Submit your questions for Ridley Scott and the cast of Alien: Covenant!

18756 Views78 Replies
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AdminEngineerApr-24-2017 11:43 AM

Since creating this topic, I have announced I will be attending the world premiere of Alien: Covenant and will also have the opportunity to interview Ridley Scott, Michael Fassbender, Katherine Waterston, Demian Bichir and Danny McBride.

Please submit any questions you have, below! I will try to include as many as I can!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4
78 Replies


MemberChestbursterMay-22-2017 7:44 PM

Is this still forthcoming? Or did I once again miss another event?


MemberFacehuggerMay-23-2017 5:37 AM

It was for Chris going to the premiere ages ago :)

 "It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D


AdminEngineerMay-23-2017 10:56 AM

The interviews are coming! I need to cut them up and format them properly. Got a lot planned now that Covenant is out, will be posting them up soon!

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Movie fan

MemberFacehuggerMay-23-2017 11:07 AM

Can't wait to watch!

Also my question would have been: "How many questions from Prometheus will be answered in Covenant?"

Obsession is a Power, not a Curse ;)


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2017 6:57 PM

I know why Alien Covenant went in the direction it did because it's an "Alien" movie. However, actually exploring where Prometheus left off would have been far more exciting. How about making a new movie that explores the "Engineers" and their home world.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2017 10:23 PM

Will we ever get to know how the Space Jockeys ship in the original Alien movie got to planet LV-426 with David's facehugger eggs aboard?


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 5:10 PM

Question for anyone that can answer. From Prometheus to Covenant we find out David created the Aliens we know from hybrid experiments 2094-2104. If they are first created during that time then how have they been around for thousands of years? The Predators clearly had them around to hunt for a long time before they get created as we see in Alien vs Predator Antarctic hunters base and the Alien bones in Predator 2 on the ship. Both of which are proof they have been around way before David creates them. This looks like a Major plot hole.


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2017 7:35 PM


You were great in Prometheus and AC. Do you and your AC double have time the within the next few months? After seeing the movie, my wife has a Walter/David fantasy she wants to live out

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterMay-27-2017 8:27 AM

Ridley Scott: would you be intrested in creating a movie that includes the Ultramorph? It would be really cool.

also, how would you feel about someone else making a movie following Ellen Ripleys daughter Amanda after the events of alien isolation? do you think there was ever some sort of rebellion against the Weyland Yutani Corperation and do you think it would make for a good movie?

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterMay-27-2017 8:30 AM

To Ridley Scott: WHO CREATED HUMANITY????????????

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterMay-27-2017 8:32 AM

to Ridley Scott: would you ever consider crossing the alien and Teriminator franchise?

food ain't that bad! - Parker

Timmy the ultramorph

MemberChestbursterMay-27-2017 8:34 AM

To Ridley Scott: in your next movie, would you consider showing the alien a little bit less? it would make it scarier.

food ain't that bad! - Parker


MemberNeomorphMay-31-2017 6:13 AM

to ridley. it appears u r dumping the full mystery and intrigue of the original alien movie. after all u did say u only came back to address the space jockey and eggs question so question is....why have u sold out?


MemberFacehuggerMay-31-2017 6:37 AM



MemberChestbursterJun-23-2017 8:43 PM

Oh man, I love A L I E N 4 2 6 's question about the Alien based nightmares so much! PLEASE get this one answered for us!


MemberTrilobiteJun-25-2017 11:16 AM

@Chris- Is there an estimated time frame for the interviews to arrive?


MemberChestbursterJul-09-2017 10:03 PM

Well, this is very interesting, I am intrigued by this event, AVPGALAXY has already published their online from World Premiere interviews made in LONDON, but no SCIFIED. When are they expected?


MemberOvomorphJul-13-2017 8:17 AM

Ridley Scott - Is there any chance that engineers will cross paths with predators in the Alien universe?

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