Inquisitor Fifield
MemberFacehuggerApr-27-2017 5:26 PMThis topic is meant for those who couldnt help themselves and watched the leaked 10min footage of the sneak peek.
So spoilers ahead..
Also I want to lay aside the arguments we used to have here shortly, so no sarcasm intented.
Overall I must say I am impressed by what we got to see in the 10minutes of footage - except for the (baby)neomorphs design and especially its behaviour. Way too animalistic and hyperactive. The movement has strong resemblance of a monkey or macaque thats attacking or fleeing (look it up and compare no joke lol)
Ofcourse thats not really a big deal and still makes a terrifying monster - but:
Do we really want the Alien and its relatives to be more animal than humanoid spawned demons? The Neomorphs and Proto/Xenomorph we got to see in the trailers and footage thus far all walked on their 4 legs, extremely fast and animalistic in motion.
I have the increasing concern, that this design choice of animal like Aliens had to be made for box office reasons.
The asian market, esply. the chinese, has some regulations for (horror)creatures and what not. I dont know the cultural or political reasons for this but its a fact. For example in video games such as mmorpgs the monsters like sceletons, undead, abominations, zombies and other humanoid baddies have to be altered (to look more like humans&animals and without visible bones/intestines etc.) to get censorship approval for the chinese market.
Also I cant imagine Ridley deciding to use this kind of pretty ordinarily behaviour for his creatures just by himself. The artworks and unused Prometheus artworks for neomorphs and deacon -like creatures all had them looking way more humanoid and undefinable than what the back- and throatbursters looked and moved like.
Remember the Alien back then used to lurk, stand, crouch, float down chains, just lay there in between some pipes, or just drop from the ceiling and erect almost in slow motion which all was way scarier and outlandish than running and jumping space monkeys..
But thats just a concern for a possible incoming disappointment, we have to wait for the movie luckily.

MemberPraetorianApr-28-2017 5:31 PM'Ati I appreciate your passion.'
Rick, thank you.
And thank you for your sharp eyes, and for warning Inq Fifield to delete the phrases 'mentally challenged' and 'autist'X2 from his comments which were used to describe and insult me.

MemberXenomorphApr-28-2017 6:21 PMAti, I didn't get the chance to warn anyone of anything, I was just redirecting everyone's energies to something positive while I was at work. I think Inq Fif did that himself out of respect for the forums. If he edited that himself, respect. Which is all each of us want. I am checking with other staff to see who moderated his posts.

MemberDeaconApr-28-2017 7:14 PMI know Chris is busy... i could take him up on the over a number of years ago about being Moderator, as i am not as busy no more due to Health Issues so i have more time on my hands to edit stuff.
I think Fifield has learned, and its a case of moving on and put the past in the past;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 7:37 PMTBH, IF put out a good topic for discussion. Nice to see and participate in.

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 8:07 PM@ Rick
Walter just sitting there like a chump going uh wtf just happened
His reaction reminded me of Ash's reaction.

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 9:16 PMRick- from the provided footage, yes. It seems he is just observing. He just stood there while others were in panic and had real shyt going on. I am more interested in what happens with David and Walter than anything else. The morphs- cool- bring it on. But I find more interest in the android department.

MemberPraetorianApr-28-2017 11:08 PMWalter I think was just 'stuck' in processing, trying to figure out wth to do as no one was telling him what to do, and he'd likely never seen or heard of such things happening before as well, thus he'd be trying to understand what he was seeing, what was happening, and exploring potential courses of action in-line with Directives.
The spikes out of the guy's back (one of them) did get Oram's wife in the hand, as to why she tried comforting him with a hug, Humans will do irrational things from wild emotion in BAD situations, right? She was likely having a 'this isn't happening' moment in her brain.
Faris, yeah, pure panic and the self-preservation instinct-drive linked up to her monkey-brain-terror-state, so her actions of fleeing, locking the door and not opening it is fully valid given her adrenaline-driven mental state.
I liked the frenetic, aggressive primal-animalistic aspect of the baby Neos, and also the one in the lab seemed to possess some small sense of Curiosity about it's victim.

MemberTrilobiteApr-28-2017 11:44 PMBlackwinter-witch As you said with Oram's wife: that was an interesting two seconds or so. She was abandoned and locked in with a suffering partner and could do nothing else. It appeared she tried to give some sort of support to the casualty which is honourable. I felt bad for her and I thought Faris could have just let her out from the get go, but maybe Faris had no idea on basic casualty assessment- at least she gloved up lol!

Shasta cyclone
MemberFacehuggerApr-29-2017 2:37 AMI think Faris just freaked out and that's why she locked her in. Also was it brought up or anyone notice in that 10 min. spoiler how fast the neomorph was growing?

MemberNeomorphApr-29-2017 4:56 AMInquisitor your description reminded me of the space monkey from "Lost In Space" LOL I also watched those 10 minutes and being very much averse to cgi, I didn't have any qualms about the creatures' looks or behavior.

MemberOvomorphApr-29-2017 10:37 PMsadly i was thinking the same thing about the wild monkey behavior and "cute" noises. I was also thinking that the CGI was "meh" especially when the backburster falls onto the floor and dude flails backwards from the table. THAT part looked straight out of a video game.

MemberFacehuggerApr-29-2017 10:41 PMSide note: Remember back in the day we were lucky to see graphics good enough in games to give you a decent facsimile of the original movie? Now, the games look as good as the movies and we have the option of comparing them to how they stack up to game graphics.