World Premiere in 1 hour in London?

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 6:57 AMIs this true ?? In 1 hour at 17:00h @Odeon in London?
Soooooo exciting...... if yes,- I cannot wait for the first reactions.....

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 7:00 AMDamn that sounds cool! With Ridley and the cast.... I hope the reviews are positive. I'm going to see it opening night in the U.S. regardless.

MemberPraetorianMay-04-2017 7:55 AMYes, and our very own Chris will be there!!!!
"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 8:01 AMI saw 12:40 Eastern. So about another hour and a half it should start. Correct me if Im wrong

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 8:10 AMIn korea, 8hours ago a press preview happened. And score is positive. But because of embargo, very simple reviews are only there now. Sorry for my bad english.

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 8:11 AMI would sooooo love to be there. I think the Internet will shortly be going ballistic with reviews. Time to buckle up.

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 8:24 AMOn2Love: Good English, no apology necessary. A good Score is what I like to hear.

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 8:28 AMThx ryan_c. I want more reactions about covenant. In korea, only 3 simple reactions are there now.

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 8:33 AMALIEN c o v e n a n t
starts in 7 minutes and 30 seconds!
... the tension rises ...

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 8:33 AMYes fingers crossed it's a good one...can't find any coverage in the UK yet...maybe on news channels...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 9:18 AM says it will start 5:45 UK time in about 30 minutes...
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 9:24 AMOhhh thank you for the update. Will there be a live stream of the red carpet walk before or/and after the movie?

MemberDeaconMay-04-2017 9:41 AMI keep getting the mistake that its the 5th lol
Indeed it is the 4th and so not long to go ;)
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 9:55 AMFor some seconds I was able to see a FB-stream,- then only audio,- and now its offline. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh......

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 9:59 AMWhere do you have this pics from. Shots from the stream I guess,- can you watch any stream right now?? Now!?

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 10:01 AMI think we all know the story now, what is left is to see it all in the big screen with Ridleys photographic art and the score... We know the covenant gets a signal on its way to the colony planet, the ship is bombarded in space and the crew wakes , franco dies in sleep, Shaw lives and dies, being infected with the pathogen, we know he bombards the Engineers, we know the habitat is infected, we know the neomorphs infect the crew, David communicates with them somehow too..David kills Oram with his creation, a facehugger...David is crazy with his programming and spends 10 years doing alien research on the citadel where he lures the crew to experiment on them, proto-morphs spawn and attack, Daniels and Tennesse fight them off, one is hidden in the ship up to the covenant, Daniels and Ten shoot it out into space and go back to sleep, as David has killed Walter, trades places and places alien embryos within the human embryos on the coloby ship...the end.

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 10:02 AM"There's... nothing" - Sir Peter Weyland
What the hell happened i waited for this all day. Ahhh.

MemberFacehuggerMay-04-2017 10:05 AMYep gone down :( I remember stuff like this on Prometheus...I thought they would of learnt... :s ....any stream still up? Or are those photos from someone who is there?
"It's almost as if they are making it up as they go along" :D

MemberOvomorphMay-04-2017 10:12 AMSomebody, check your camera. There seems to be a malfunction.