Alien: Awakening

Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterJul-30-2017 3:38 PMWhat are you guys hoping to see from the next chapter? What do you think will happen? From what Scott said, the Engineers will see what havoc David wrought on Paradise and will be back with a vengeance. I'm hoping to see Origae-6 and hopefully with David's experiments it'll turn into a hellish Giger nightmare. I also want to see him evolve the Xenomorph more into what we see in Alien79 as well as the results of his experiments aboard the Covenant. Do you think the Engineers will be walking into a trap?
I also hope we get to learn more about the Engineers and their culture, why they do what they do and how exactly. The mural in Prometheus is of a Deacon and I want to see that more explored or do you think we should leave it to mystery?
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."

I Moon Girl
MemberChestbursterAug-02-2017 9:24 PM@ Amunet
I do see that as a possibility that Walter would help the Engineers. I am sure he could share some of the data he has obtained from his personal experiences around David to prove that he had nothing to do with the destruction of "Paradise"; plus, he would be useful for the Engineers to learn about David so they can better form a plan to stop him.