Alien: Covenant art by Khang Le

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-08-2017 1:59 PM
MemberTrilobiteDec-08-2017 3:05 PMThose all look great. I think these look better than the neomorph in the film too.
Thanks Dark Nebula.

MemberFacehuggerDec-08-2017 3:13 PMOMG this guy completely captured my vision for Covenant. GIVE THIS MAN CONTROL OF THE FRANCHISE DAMMIT!!
Also tip of the hat to you Dark Nebula

MemberPraetorianDec-08-2017 5:34 PMHoly crap these are friggin unreal! Agreed with MU/TH/UR hire this artist stat!!!

Timmy the ultramorph
MemberChestbursterDec-08-2017 7:12 PMthese are amazing! upvoted.
hopfully we see some things closer to this in awakening
food ain't that bad! - Parker

MemberPraetorianDec-09-2017 9:01 AMI can't believe how relative to Covenant's aesthetics, as well as Prometheus the Le artwork is. I saw remnants of Fifield in the mutation, Prometheus in the orrery (jaw dropping amazing), and Alien: Covenant concept art such as Hatton's tumor garden (above compared to below).
Can someone please perform a guitar solo in appreciation from me to Dark Nebula for these?
Thank you Dark Nebula.

MemberPraetorianDec-09-2017 1:17 PMFantastic artworks!
Ingeniero - The number 14 can be seen in the images. I think it refers to the year 2014. If I remember correctly they changed the story of Covenant in 2015. If I'm not mistaken these paintings were created for an earlier version of the script. That would explain the similarity you mention.
I think this image shows Shaw - her body is used for growing alien embryos/eggs...

MemberDeaconDec-11-2017 6:48 PMThese are Fantastic ;)
Oh ATI nice spot about the 14, maybe its just coincidence?
The Source i had from late February 2015 that i passed on here in March 2015 was based off a supposed October 2014 Draft and some concept work Produced in November 2014, so who knows.
They claimed TWO Monsters.
ONE would be similar to the Necronom 4, and Ultramorph with a more Elongated Head than the Xenomorph
The OTHER would be more Transparent and have a more Bulbous Head and similar to a cross between the Original Giger Alien Concept (NOT the Final Product) and unused Alien 3 concept work.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-19-2017 3:21 AM@BigDave If I'm not mistaken, you also mentioned back in 2015 that some concept artwork seemed like the matrix, like how the humanity was grown and kept in stasis. These Khang Le's art pieces depict that

MemberDeaconDec-20-2017 2:14 AMIndeed this is interesting.... but do we know if Khang Le worked on any Alien Covenant Project?
I want to see the early drafts so i can see if the Source was correct, a lot of stuff i had to hold back but informed Chris way before AC was out, they loosely describe the look of the TWO monsters to me, but months ago they had confirmed a bit more saying the ORIGINAL idea was One would be like the Ultramorph (Necronom 4) design and the other would be a hybrid cross between Gigers Original Design (not the final one in Alien) and unused New Born concept from Alien 3, and when i look back to the desription of the Monsters given to me way before AC was announced, which was May as far as descriptions but other information as far as there will be TWO monsters one based on Necronom 4 the other on the Original Design (One would be Transparent to a degree) was way back in FEB 2015, in beginning of MAY they just detailed the designs but in a loose puzzle way. Where they basically said like one is dark like the Xenomorph, the other is pale and kind of transparent, one has a more elongated head (than the Xenomorph) the other a shorter more bulbous head, one has Dorsel Tubes, one has just Spines etc (i can pass the exact description how they listed it).
So anyway yes a lot of the Source information seemed more than Coincidence, including remember in March i said about Shaws Fate/Role and what she was depicted as... then low and behold the AC concepts show exactly that.
So indeed it would be interesting to wonder what the earlier Drafts was about, and any work, but the Source said at the time they had information November-Dec 2014 the Concept works were mainly rough, and rough story like boards as far as just the Process of Brain Storming what was in the October 2014 Prometheus: Pandemonium draft into how it would visually look.
I think the hints from the Source could seem to apply to the LV-223 Engineers being Genetic Engineered Clones Grown like in the Matrix by those above them.... Interesting thing is the Source claimed about many versions of Mankind and we are the 4th/5th Generation and it appeared they was hinting Engineers are related to us but predate us, but those LV-223 Engineers they claimed were more like David and not us.
since we have AC came out a long time after this information... and RS saying the Planet 4 Engineers were the ORIGINAL Engineers and they look so much Human, which RS said Engineers are not a RACE but a Civilization and also said after AC about how there are many versions of Mankind why cant it be the same with them (Engineers) Then the sources information adds up, could the LV-223 Engineers be Genetically Enhanced Creations of those Original Engineers?
If so the LV-223 Engineers are indeed just Biological Davids created by the Planet 4 Engineers.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconDec-20-2017 2:57 AM@Dark Nebula
Checked out their Page, its a bit uncanny some of the stuff is as described to me a bit. What is more interesting is i looked at their Webpage for other Projects and seen that Kang-Le 14 is not there Signature, but its changes with Projects so like Kang-Le 13... This implies the Images was made in 2014, if so its more than Coincidence some depict things we see in AC that never even began Filming until 2 years latter.
Would be interesting to see if they are a actual Concept Artist working for movies or they just make their own Fan Art for upcoming movies, but then the Alien Covenant ones are signed 14 for we can assume 2014 but then why is the page AC when that name did not exist pre Autumn 2015
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

Dark Nebula
StaffNeomorphDec-27-2017 3:01 AMWell, it seems that this is all pretty much legit.

MemberChestbursterDec-28-2017 6:20 AMI like the ceremonial cup in the Engineer hand before he changes ! It is like the inside of the bowl from Prometheus. Interesting reconstruct has only 1 hand. Possible deformity ? Hey happens to the best of genes
Take This.... This is the blood of our lord

AdminEngineerDec-28-2017 11:38 AMIncredible!!!!