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Oh yeah! New episode of the Xenomorphing podcast

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MemberNeomorphAug-21-2024 7:57 AM

Warning, this episode contains spoilers


This episode is a review of Alien Romulus by Fede Alvarez (Evil Dead and Don't Breathe). They talk about for example the android Andy as portrayed by David Jonsson. According to the podcast it's worth to check out.


For example they mention the sets and practical effects. The human characters seem to be better done this time, something that I need to enjoy a movie. The alien-franchise needs relatable human characters for it to work. Monsters sure, but if all human characters are written and executed poorly you don't have a movie.


They mention both the good and bad, I like when people don't praise something blindly.


I got to check this one out (both the alien-movie and the episode of the podcast)


You can find the podcast if you use the podbean-app

Update 2024-09-08: They're close to 200 downloads of the latest episode so let's see if we can get there.

1 Replies


MemberXenomorphAug-21-2024 1:35 PM

Great episode! I agree with a lot of what was said.

I never thought people in their 20s (actors or fans) would be the ones to revitalize this franchise. The original fans are aging, and we need new blood!

It's refreshing to see "Romulus" YouTube reviews by younger creators.

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