MemberOvomorphFeb-25-2016 7:36 PMI only know him as Dr. Manhatten from Watchmen. As far as other actors from that movie are concerned, Jeffrey Dean Morgan would be a more interesting choice for an Alien movie. Or Jackie Earle Haley.
MemberXenomorphFeb-26-2016 9:51 AMThe casting has been all over the map, not sure if it's a action cast?
is this the cast for the long haul(3 movies)....or a disposable crew?
I can see Billiy playing a android.
MemberDeaconFeb-26-2016 4:30 PMPotentially that would be good but i think with David having a doppelganger and Fasbender playing two roles would rule out another Android i think?
But certainly he could fit the corperate sly-ball mold with a Agenda... much like Burke from Aliens..
Oh as far as Androids if they ever introduce another Android in the Franchise here is my pick...
Jeremy Sheffield did well playing a Cold and Callas Character in UK soap Holyoaks, his emotion or lack of in the role he played fits perfectly to play a Android.
MemberOvomorphFeb-26-2016 4:51 PMJude Law could very well play an android... but Fassbender really was terrific as David (and his girlfriend Alicia Vikander was also brilliant playing robot in Ex Machina movie), and I agree with Dave that there is not going to be more robots...
MemberDeaconFeb-28-2016 1:11 PMAgreed i dont see them, the company swapping and changing Robots all the time, but who knows... if we really advanced to a level to create realistic Robots in the future would we be happy with Adam and Eve Models.... i am sure we would want to variety...
But i do think that Fassbender may play the only Android/Androids...
Ridley seemed to have a big plan for David 8 Character.... the Plot Synopsis seems to highlight towards Synthetic.... and do me this with Fassbender playing Two Roles, and one being a doppelganger kind leads me down Two paths....
1) David will Evolve himself and no longer be Synthetic... but will meet a Synthetic David onboard the Covenant.
2) The Covenant has a none Sythnetic David, or the Person who David was created in their likeness... this idea is interesting.... if we assume David 5, 6, and 7 are all based of same appearence as it would mean the Human doppelganger would be older..... But not if they are in Cryo Sleep on a Long Journey to a far away Paradise.