I wouldn't normally add anything Prometheus related to my blog but in this case, I'm making an exception. I've been asked if I would do this by a couple of people, so I thought I would do it for something to do. I'm not a mega fan of Prometheus, but It's not a bad film either. I find it a lot better than Alien Resurrection and the AVP movies.
In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the deleted and alternate scenes not featured in the deleted scene's section of the Prometheus DVD/Blu ray. Most of these scenes have been taken from trailers and various makings of and behind the scene's documentaries. Some of the pictures in this article are low quality. Without a copy of the shooting script, it will be difficult to write up much about the scenes featured.
Please note that I will be adding more to this as I go along or as more scenes are found. Eventually, I will get better resolutions of certain pics and update them.
Scenes may not in order.
Elder Engineer Speaks:
Just before the elder engineer hands over the ceremonial bowl, he says a few words to the engineer whose about to sacrifice himself. Thanks to Avpgalaxy user Crazy Shrimp informing me of this scene.
Halloway and Shaw:
Holloway walks up to shaw and says, "You're smiling." This takes place right before Shaw takes Holloway into the cave to show what she has discovered.
David Crying:
David is crying at what we think is the movie Lawrence of Arabia. He's also drinking milk.
There's a shot of Janek holding a Christmas tree saying, "Ho ho ho!". This shot is missing from the deleted scene in which Janek is messing with a Christmas tree during breakfast.
Millburn and Fifield:
After Millburn sits down, he shakes his hand and complains his fingers are still numb. Millburn then says "Then I've never been out this long before so". Fifeld replies "No one's been out this long before". Millburn then responds with "Alright".
Shaw and Holloway:
Before the mission briefing, there's a shot of Shaw and Holloway talking to each other. Shaw says, "They’re gonna think we're crazy." Holloway replies, " Yeah. They're not if you keep it scientific." A shot of Fifield saying, "It's a star map", and there's also an alternate shot of Shaw saying, "Not a map an Invitation."
Holloway and Shaw:
After the mission brief, Shaw begins to storm off. She is angry at Holloway for not fully backing her up. The scene takes place just before David collars the pair to meet with Vickers.
Prometheus Has Landed:
There's a shot of Janek on the bridge when he says,"Prometheus has landed."
Sweetest Air:
After Holloway has removed his helmet and sampled the air he says, "That's the sweetest air I've ever tasted."
Alternate Tomb Shot:
Instead of finding a green crystal in the 'Head room' Holloway finds a ceremonial bowl. Same type used at the beginning by the engineer when sacrificing himself. I think this shot is better.
David Smiling:
There's a shot of David smiling while observing the black goo oozing from one of the vases. Also, some behind the scene footage of him smelling (?) a piece before looking around.
Changing into what:
There's an alternate shot of Vickers saying, "Changing into what."
Shaw Crying and Praying (?):
There are extra shots of Shaw crying and clasping her hands as if she might be praying. The crying shot came from a Japanese trailer.
David and Mr Weyland:
There are some shots of David in which he appears to be giving Mr Weyland a pill (?) alternatively, something to swallow.
Shaw and Janek:
Shaw turns to Janek and says, "I came here for answers, I'd rather die with those answers than leave without them."
Mr Weyland and the Mercenaries:
It is believed that originally the Fifield attack took place while Weyland the team were heading out to see the living engineer. Furthermore, during this scene, it is Shaw that runs over Fifield with the RT Vehicle.
Kill everything!...
There's a shot of Janek shouting, "Kill everything you copy." This may take place during the Fifield attack, but I'm not certain.
David and the Engineer Suit:
David stops and takes a look at one of the engineer suits.
Vickers to Janek:
After realising Janek is about to fly the Prometheus into the Juggernaut Vickers turns and says "You were a terrible lay by the way". Thanks to Avpgalaxy user MrSpaceJockey for informing me of this scene.
The Engineer:
After the juggernaut has crashed and ground to a halt the Engineer piloting picks, himself up and heads out to find Shaw.
The Engineer reads a book:
As the engineer peruses Shaw in the life pod the engineer browses through some books scattered on the floor. Thanks to Avpgalaxy user Gash for informing me of this scene.
Well, that's it for the time being. If you can think of any scenes, I've missed please contact me with images if possible, and I will add them to the list. I'm only interested in scenes not featured in the Deleted scenes section of the DVD/Blu ray.