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Prometheus IMAX 12:01 Poster Giveaway!

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MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 5:02 PM
Hello everyone! I have 5 extra copies of the IMAX 12:01 Prometheus posters as well as 3 of the Prometheus "half sheets" that are burning a hole in my poster collection and must go. So, we're going to run a contest. Here's the low down... To enter simply post in this thread what Prometheus means to you. Things like why you like it, what you think it's all about etc. The contest will run for 2 weeks at which point myself along with some other forum members will pick the best, most creative entries. 5 first place winners will recieve one IMAX 12:01 Prometheus poster. 3 runners up will recieve one Prometheus "half sheet" poster. There are a few rules so if you want to enter please read carefully... 1)Please take this seriously. I know some wont but I have to implore people that don't want the poster or didn't enjoy the film not to post. 2)Please don't enter if you already have a copy of the poster. If you do have one and still want to post then, by all means, please do. Just include [b]"EXEMPT ENTRY"[/b] at the top of your post so I will know you already have one. I know there are members here who didn't get a chance to get one of these so this rule is a biggie. 3)Winners must pay for shipping and handling. The term "shipping and handling" includes what it costs to pack the poster and any shipping charges. You will not be charged a penny over what shipping costs. I get a great discount at FedEx and it will be very inexpensive. I can ship overseas so please don't let that hold you back. 4)Payment for shipping and handling has to be paid thru paypal. There may be a very small fee to use paypal and winners are responsible for that as well. It will more than likley be no more than $1 USD if any. 5)Please understand that this is not a discussion thread. Entries only please. No responses to other member's posts. 6)One entry per member of course. So, that's it. Lets hear what you guys have to say! GOOD LUCK![/i]
37 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 5:05 PM
If you have any questions at all just pm me. Also, if you want to be a judge, pm me as well.


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 5:06 PM
Just a heads up on the contest. Entries can be made until July 4th, 2012 at which time myself(and hopefully some volunteers)will judge the contest. Winners will be posted in this thread on Monday the 9th of July. At that time all winners will need to pm me their addresses. I will then take the items to FedEx to get a shipping price for each one. I will then pm each winner their shipping price and we will go from there. There have been a lot of great entries and I hope you guys have enjoyed the contest. I hope the winners will enjoy their prizes as well. BTW, you are free to edit your entries as many times as you want as long as they are finished by the July 4th deadline. The exact deadline is 11:59 am pacific standard time. Once again, thanks for participating and good luck! [b]NEW GRAND PRIZE UPDATE!!![/b] [b][i]I'M ADDING A NEW 1ST PLACE GRAND PRIZE![/i][/b] I recently ordered the new [b]Cinefex[/b] issue which has an AWESOME Prometheus article in it. You may have seen scans of it in the news thread. This is NOT a copy of CINEPLEX which was given away free at the theatres. This is a copy of CINEFEX magazine as posted about in the news section [url=]here.[/url] Well, there was a mistake with my order and I thought I wasn't going to recieve it so I bought one at Barnes&Noble. Turns out that my order is coming so I will have an extra. Only sucky part is that it's the Avengers cover, not the Prometheus. So, there will be 1 Grand Prize Winner which will recieve the[b] Issue of Cinefex AND the 12:01 poster [/b].


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 6:01 PM
To put it simply, I loved it. Scott's sense of scale was amazing. I loved the cinematography, score, acting, and story. As a Gundam fan, I am very familiar withe the concept of a side story, which it very much was. Don't get all of the complaints. It was mezmerizing from start to finish. Thanx guys, great site. Cheers.
I may work for the company, but im really an OK guy.


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 10:17 PM
I really liked how it showed enough to leave the window open for another movie. I thought Davids experiment with Halloway was a nice touch, including how he gathered "consent". The medpod scene made the movie for me, along with opening sequence. I am really looking forward to continued, or just plain "more" related stories!! The impact of man meeting his maker -maybe - and how we are stealing the throne was a really neat theme. Who are the gods? now?


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 11:19 AM
When I first read that Ridley Scott was doing an Alien prequel I think I jumped out of my seat. It was 2 years ago, so I may be remembering that wrong; the brain lies to us all of the time. Every couple of days I checked for updates, from it being a full fledged prequel to it becoming more of a distant cousin twice removed. Still, Scott had it right when he said the Space Jockey as a jump off for a prequel is a "Duh." The Space Jockey was and still is an iconic figure, in not only sci-fi but all of moviedom. Exploring this one thing was genius, and the results of such masterful thinking have evolved into Prometheus: the movie I have "always" wanted--the movie I cannot stop thinking about--and one I will, surely, never forget. Prometheus quickly took on a life of its own after it was announced: The prequel that isn't a prequel, that was. It is, in fact, its own sequel to a movie that has yet to come! And, a prequel to the sequel that will hopefully be Prometheus 2! "Duh," you missed that one? What happened on LV_233 before Prometheus is the prequel, and what happens after Prometheus is the sequel: Prometheus 2. Be sure, I will watch them all! Ridley Scott has crafted a Universe rich with an underlying history, and laid down so much texture; the possibilities, I am afraid to admit, we have barely touched on. We can ponder how the pieces fit together; which dots connect to which and forward to Alien. It seems some people are dissatisfied with the results, but let us not forget, Prometheus is its own movie--and not so simple to explain as a relative to Alien, or Aliens for that matter. I would love to know how the Xenomorphs actually came into being and, exactly, which one ultimately put a hole the Space Jockey. I have so eagerly waited, longing to know. The answer was supposedly within our reach, and yet it has somehow eluded us, leaving us with, still, more questions. Why in the world would there be a tomb with Xenomorph Hieroglyphics on the wall? If Engineers created us by means of their DNA and, lets just say, millions of years of evolution, yet Humans and Primates evolved from a common ancestor, would it be fair to hypothesize the possibility that Engineers and Xenomorphs shared a common ancestor? The Engineers seem to idolize Xenomorphs to some extent: Like a pet maybe? Their armor or space suits are similar in design to the body structure of the Xenomorph. Damn, I love this movie. I think I am just going to run off to the IMAX and watch it again, I bet there is something I missed.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 12:42 PM
My friend and I watched A L I E N the night before seeing this on premiere day. It was my first "new technology" 3D film since the old blue and red lens days. The story, the connections, and the visuals were all spot-on. I really wonder sometimes if I saw the same film as all of the "haters", but I can only guess that most of those people have had their theater-going minds numbed by all of the CG and explosions. It is very important, I feel, that the viewer brings their brain to this film. At the same time, I didn't need to know an extended backstory of the terciary characters to feel something when they met their demise. I cared for these people and their mission, and as the end credits rolled, I still wanted more. This film has stimulated brain activity, and I wish it to continue! There were so many little moments that were new to us, yet at the same time, showed the earlier evolution of those things that go bump in the night. I wish more people "got it", but perhaps the Blu and any impending sequel will help those "lost children" make it back. Even if it's to solidify a negative opinion, a second viewing may go a long way. The look, the sound, everything, was what I had hoped it would be and more. Since 1979, I have wondered "what about the guy in the chair?" Then later I learned he was termed the "Space Jockey", followed by the Halcyon model kits, the Dark Horse comics, etc. Even though there was all of this material from the comics, models, and ALIENS magazine out of the UK, there was still mystery. I wanted to know what they looked like under there, and Prometheus delivered. It was a nice, although very prolonged (33 years!) circle to arrive at. The film felt as it was "meant to be" and was not forced. Which, even though it is not a direct prequel, there is enough material there that would have failed if not handled properly. The high level of care that went into this production is almost inhuman, and I am grateful to Ridley and Co. for taking us along on this wonderful journey.

Russ Dire

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 12:48 PM
I loved Prometheus because it leaves you asking questions. I am now reading Chariots of the Gods by Erich von Daniken because I heard the book inspired a lot of the writing in Prometheus. Having been a fan of the Alien series, when I first heard about Prometheus I was obviously very excited. Always curious about the Space Jockey, I loved their approach to them. I don't think they could have chose a cooler storyline than the gods seeding planets/creating us and then changing their minds and wanting to destroy us. Why did they change their minds? What have we done to piss them off? Why did they create us in the first place? Who/what created them? Am just as excited for a sequel! For fun, I have an Alien Resurrection subway poster hanging above my stairwell that says "It's already too late..." which I see every day when I wake up and go downstairs! :p


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:42 PM
For every one answer there are ten more questions. Not often does a movie leave you thinking for days or discussing for hours. I have touched on a variety of philosphical topics because the movie is so well done when I discuss the movie with my friends. I am an atheist and the movie to me is an atheist movie. Biology and technology are gods in this movie. The evolution of the aliens, the philosophy of the engineers, the technology of the future, etc... It's not often that a normal person discusses or enjoys philosophy. This movie brings it out of people. They start to question reality and dive into the unknown. That is one of many reasons I love this movie (I just don't want to wrtie a book here...) and probably the main reason I want to watch it over and over. Every view brings new questions.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 1:51 PM
Prometheus means a lot of different things to so many different people. I think that's the best thing about it; that it truly matters to the viewer. We're bombarded with a lot meaningless, throwaway films nowadays but Ridley and Co. took my favorite qualities of a good filmmaking and managed to put them into one film. The movie makes you feel so many things: wonderment, excitement, terror, and most importantly the joy of going to the theater. The sheer scale and epic nature of the film brings you someplace else and not just for the 2 hours you're there. After it was over I left the theater thinking and wondering about so many different things. That is the other beautiful aspect of this film; whether you loved it or hated it, you walked out with your brain hard at work for all the right reasons. Movies like this bring us together in a way so little media can. It's about getting a great group of friends together for opening night and debating the finer points of the films for weeks after. There are few things as fulfilling as a film like Prometheus. (sorry for the double post, I initially posted in the wrong reply section).


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 3:51 PM
Overall I really admire the movie for its message that life in itself is unsatisfactory. This is the most constant criticism of the film. Prometheus fails to deliver a satisfactory answer to all its big questions, but that is precisely what I love about it. At the end of the film we/the characters have learned everything and also nothing. The beginning remains an enigma. The engineers did create us, but we don’t know why. Supposedly they now want to destroy us, and we are not given a reason. This is frustrating and unfulfilling, but is this not true to life? The more we learn, the more we grow aware of how much we do not know. Life is an enigma, and whatever force (scientific or spiritual) responsible for our existence, remains silent. We fear the unknown because we can’t face it, define it or make it finite. Prometheus (also Alien) works so well for me because it’s a journey into the unknown, and to undertake this trip is to essentially face your fears. My favorite moment in Prometheus is when Wayland is woken up. Shaw is terrified and in pain, she can’t go on. Wayland goads her for being so close only to turn back. He twists the knife attacking her faith and her resolve. How could she go on living knowing that when the answers were before her, she turned back because of fear? In these movies the characters are forced to go on and face the terrible things that we can’t define like loneliness, rape, and death. The Alien itself is a manifestation of all these things and that’s what makes it such a compelling monster. These fears although paralyzing keep us alive. No body wants to face that darkness, so we avoid it. We keep our selves safe and we don’t die. Those burning questions however, will always and should always be a part of us. That’s what makes life interesting, and to know everything would mean the death of mystery and wonder. Now to discount everything I just said. I offer my, for fun explanation/interpretation of the movie. The engineers have reverse engineered/or created and parasitic organism, meant to form a symbiotic bond with an already living life form. The engineers hoped that with the goo’s ability to infinitely regenerate cells, when bonded with their own bodies will allow them to live forever. The guy at the beginning of the movie was a lab rat. His brethren dumped him on an empty planet, similar to their own. The unfortunate test subject drinks the goo, whilst the others watch safely from their space ship. It didn’t work quite how they were hoping as it kills him instantly. The goo does its job in the end and regenerates his DNA, creating life on earth, as we know it. (This is also an old mythological concept; the god’s body is destroyed to create the world for example: Osiris’s jealous brother tears him to pieces, but each body part creates a fertile section of the Nile river. Even Jesus Christ; his body is crucified to absolve humanity.) Anyway it seems the engineers have improved if not perfected their goo, as evidenced by the guy at the end. He seems to be bonded with he biomechanical suit, perhaps greatly extending his life. Also the mural depicts an engineer dominating a xeno like creature. They still hope to have dominion over their creation and death. Back on earth we are studied for many years. We develop advanced technology at an alarming rate. Now the engineers feel threatened. Only they can rule supreme, so they decide it’s time to end their little science project (hence the title, we are to be punished for our tech). I’ll also bet that they royally fucked up their own planet, the species is dying out. The goo is further engineered off site to replicate cells super fast as a deadly cancer. They hope to wipe earth clean, and then make it their new home. Of course it gets out kills almost everybody. The Alien is a second-generation manifestation of the centiant goo. It exists as an independent organism, however it is still (per it’s original design) a rapidly decaying parasite dependant on the genetic material of other organisms to reproduce. This is why it is so deadly. The one engineer goes to sleep, waiting for the parasites to peter out and assuming that mankind will have reached its peak when they have the ability to follow the maps left in antiquity. He heads to earth to punish humanity, and save his species. Maybe they also hope to use our bodies as tests to perfect the goo and live forever. (what a nerd I am). Going to back to what I said at the beginning I surly hope that this is not the only answer. For this reason I’m not sure about a sequel. If there is one, I hope it continues to ask more questions then it answers.


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 4:00 PM
First of all, I LOVED prometheus. Directly after I saw the film with a very good friend of mine. We both had dinner and discussed every detail of it for at least 3 hrs!!!!! I think it's a testament as to how mysterious and enlightening the film is. There are a lot of people talking about it still, both casual fans and serious critics. I think ridley scott himself really had no clue what can of worms he had opened when releasing prometheus. I know a lot of the subjects are really controversial, especially the whole "human creation" thing for religious individuals, which I count myself as part of. But we do have to remember, it is just a movie after all. As a die-hard alien franchise fan, I had been longing to hear the story of the space jockey race practically my whole life. In the original film "alien", we only get to see the fossilized space jockey skeleton for probably 30 sec at the most but look what those precious seconds created in our mind. A monster/alien that fans have wondered about for more than 30 years. Pretty impressive by anyone's standards. I thought the art design, especially recreating the derelict ship was superb. All the right people were involved in the art department it seems, and as a fan I could not have been more pleased with that aspect of it. The engineers themselves, although mysterious and still not 100% understood, were well portrayed and thought out. I think the true problem with certain fans or movie-goers not satisfied with the film is that their expectations were insanely and unrealistically too high for completion. But not mine, I went in with the idea that ridley is the creator and the "engineer" himself of the franchise and I trusted him as our guide back into that universe. I also knew this would be no flub in mere admiration that michael fassbender was involved. His seriousness and dedication to every film he's done reassured me that prometheus would be special. And I think most would agree he was the star performer. Another interesting thing that came up in the discussion after the film with my friend was more or less who created us? Many have said that they thought evolution could not possibly have created such an intelligent, creative being even by chance alone. The odds are astronomical but the film gave us a true unbiased glimpse that there is a really, really high probability that we are not alone in the universe. And of course there are still many unanswered questions that I thought shouldn't have been answered in the film. I thought they showed just enough of the engineers to give us a taste of what's to come in the obvious sequel that is now being conceived. As a fan and an artist myself I appreciated every second of this movie, visually it was spectacular. Plot wise of course it could have left out or elaborated a little more. But no film is technically perfect. I cannot wait to see what ridley scott has in store for us in the sequel, and I hope everyone can at least appreciate what ridley and the entire team who worked on prometheus accomplished. A beautiful, insightful, and majestic sci-fi film that can be enjoyed and discussed for decades to come!!!!!!


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 5:42 PM
Ever since I was a kid, watching Science ficton made my life come alive...I never really criticized anything I watched as I bought the story as presented. I was never disappointed either. On Prometheus, it introduces some time and well tested material i.e. a space ship and the pursuit of life elsewhere. What will find? Why and when who and what all trigger the delicious parts in all dreamers, adenturers and pioneers...I am no exception. The theme of a very rich and powerful person persuing something for his own sake and how it turns out could be for anyone watching. I am that man or a characteer in the movie...I would have made some good and some bad decisions...Well thats life isnt it? Prometheus compliments all that is going on inside the viewer if the viewer allows it. If the mind, emotions or intellect kick in, we lose the world of a child and our enjoyment is compromised. Why did I love this movie? Becasue I first loved this little kid who use to dream and who I catch dreaming from time to time. I have seen this movie three times and will see it many more times too...thank you


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 7:42 PM
I've been waiting for antoher sequel since Resurrection. Prometheus is a return to childhood for me. The opening scences made my jaw drop and stay there until the very end. I appreciate that Ridley Scott has come back to Sci-Fi and made me smile and gaze in awe once again. I hope he gets to contiune and make two more. I'll be first in line... again. I can't wait to visit his beautiful imagination again.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 8:24 PM
after 34 years , ,,,,,,wondering about that god dam S/J in that Chair ,,, every other day, day in and day out ,what more can i say


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 8:29 PM
It didn't take long for Prometheus to make me feel insignificant - the title hadn't even started forming. I was feeling tense and excited, as if on a rollercoaster, anticipating a stupendous and lightning speed launch. That feeling sustained every frame, and intensified with each horrific event. I was very young when I watched Alien - 9 years old. Probably not the wisest jump from kids TV. I pulled my duvet over my head and shut my eyes tightly every night for 2 years. It had a massive impact on me, but it was mainly good. The Space Jockey was the first unexplained element in any story I'd ever seen, and I remained curious about its origins. Many years on and well versed in the history of that well celebrated xenomorph family, I'm hearing rumours of a prologue. Soon, trailers start cropping up - with content, and flashing snippets, and... WAIT! What's that! *Pause* I recognise that chamber! Oh my god!! It's the SPACE JOCKEY - getting strapped in!!? Need I say more? I'm in the cinema ASAP! RealD 3D an absolute must! The experience was electricifying, and the performances were riveting. With his bizarre dysfunction and child-like curiousity, Fassbender's David was incredibly chilling. And Theron felt very 'present' - as she always does. She needn't do much, and she still generates power with her performance. As the early trilobites formed, and the seeds were sown for the infamous spawn, I felt like I was being treated to the unfolding of a genus - one of rapid growth, and terrifying properties. The living personification of the most depraved parts of humanity. And then, there's the unspoken context, What of the sacrifice? Why do these 'engineers' live in the same dimensions as us, and why does that make me feel smaller still? What was significant about c.2000 years ago, besides the obvious? Where is Shaw going? More to the point, there is one very crucial tie-in - and I'm certain it is on the cards. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. I've thought about the film for days. It was absolutely worth the trip. I'm very happy that Scott has reclaimed the reigns of an incredible series, and prefixed it with a powerful examination that makes the alien feel closer, and the Universe seem larger. And I feel it is significant to the ever present ponderings of who we are, why we're here, and what will happen to us. INCREDIBLE MOVIE!


MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 2:06 AM
I just love the scenery, and especially this kind of story, answering humands oldest question, and like in real life, ending with more questions. i loved it from the start, and defended the movie here from the start. I REALLY REALLY REALLY WOULD BE SO THANKFULL IF I WOULD BE GIVEN SUCH AN AWESOME POSTER. sincerely yours, Dimitri


MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 4:13 AM
At least a Sci-Fi movie that worth the time spended. As a huge Alien fan, in terms of plot or screenplay I could be more satisfied, but it was not a dissapointment at all. I'd describe it as visually impeccable and in the sound scope, the think that comes to my mind is "the delicate sound of thunder".


MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 7:07 PM
prometheus means alot to me I went to the movies to see huge alien series fan!I was so excited I connected the dots the connection with alien!IM a huge sci fi fan its seems like forever since a good sci fi movie has been out plus it was part of alien series!Ridley scott is creative and I Hope he brings more sci fi out alien series is my fav!!


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:59 AM
What [i]Prometheus[/i] means to me... When [i]Alien[/i] first came out, I sadly was not even born. At the tender age of 14, over twenty years after it was first released, I timidly approached it with my Dad, anxious and nervous due to the fact that it was my first 18 certificate film. My mind went into overload with thoughts of all the terrifying moments I was about to witness as I put the DVD into the player. I remember the wide-eyed amazement I felt as the first images of the planet appeared on the screen, accompanied by eerie, tense music. I remember curling up on the couch in terror as a salivating monster stalked the crew around their ship. I remember the sigh of relief I gave when the creature finally died, and Ripley laid her weary head down to sleep. And I remember wishing more than anything that I could have been there, right at the premier of [i]Alien[/i], sitting in a full cinema and screaming and laughing along with other people, and being able to watch it on the big screen in its full glory. To me, cinema-going is the ultimate film experience. This is due to the loud, pounding music and crisp sound quality, the perfect visuals, and of course the atmosphere you feel when a hundred people all scream at once as an alien jumps onto the screen. And so imagine my disappointment when I realised that I would never be able to see my favourite Sci-Fi film at the cinema. However, by watching [i]Prometheus[/i], I have finally been able to live out that dream. In an age where Sci-Fi films have become a money making gimmick with no soul or originality, [i]Prometheus[/i] has landed to save us with two hours of gruesome, thought-provoking entertainment. It is, quite simply, [i]perfection.[/i] From the beautiful opening shots of the mountains, complete with an alien ship looming in the distance to the shocking finale, I felt like I had been handed the Sci-Fi film of my dreams. The film I had been waiting for ever since I too, along with thousands of other [i]Alien[/i] fans, questioned the infamous [i]“Space Jockey”,[/i] and watched as my precious [i]Alien[/i] was tarnished by lack-lustre sequels and cross-overs had finally arrived in my local cinema. There were so many incredible scenes, that pretty much 99% of the film was taken up by them. (the 1% being the credits of course!) My personal favourite was the part where Vickers asked David what Weyland had said to him. This scene is ten times more powerful when you realise Vickers’ relation to Weyland, as it must have been truly painful for her to discover that he would rather confide in a robot than his own daughter. The music added so much to these important scenes. The proud orchestral ensemble that played when important discoveries were made, like a call to battle or a funeral march, literally made my heart race from the intensity. I felt like I was part of the crew; excited and shaking with emotion as we inched closer to discovering the truth about our origins. And who could forget the creatures? I still remember how my mouth fell open in shock when the Engineer's helmet is removed and I finally got to see their pale, terrifying faces for the first time. The alien baby was a personal highlight for me, as at first it looked quite harmless, but when it re-appeared at the end of the film it looked truly spectacular and truly horrific all at the same time. The fact that Ridley Scott chose to not create the creatures with CGI just shows how much work and love must have gone into making the film. There were also so many interesting and important themes that the storyline brought up, which created interesting parallels to society and humans in general. There was the theme of religion and faith; as Shaw goes on a journey that ultimately causes her to question her beliefs, the theme of destruction, humanity’s yearning for knowledge and even a subtle pro-choice message is shown when Shaw aborts her baby. The film also introduced probably one of, if not [i]the[/i] best robot character in the whole of Sci-Fi. David8 is a masterpiece. From his calm, polite demeanour, to his eager-to-impress attitude, and of course his desire to touch everything dangerous (just count how many times he nearly lands the entire crew in trouble!) David resembles a young, curious child, desperate to escape from his parents but still too scared to survive completely without them. His sinister actions are matched with a helpful attitude, and it is this conflicting personality that makes us question his motives right up to ending credits, which makes the film that much more engaging and enjoyable. And just in case we doubted his humanity, he idolises Lawrence of Arabia to an extreme degree, which subtlety proves that he possesses what is most important to all of us; identity. And of course, all the answered questions! While infuriating to some, it set my imagination on fire like no other film could. Even now, over three weeks since I saw it, I still can’t help but think about the characters and scenes over and over again. Never before have I sat up in my bed all night, pondering and thinking over a film until the early hours of the morning.[i] Why did the Engineer's want to kill us? Was David good or bad? What killed the Engineer's in the first place?[/i] I obsessed over it so much that I even saw it in my dreams, as one night I awoke from a particular nightmare where a team of Engineer's sacrificed me to a hoard of alien serpents! And so, [i]Prometheus[/i] means many things to me. It means an experience, a film that truly makes your brain work instead of feeding you the answers, and an example of cinematic perfection. But above all, it will always take a pride of place in my Sci- Fi collection, not only because I believe that in watching it, I have witnessed the beginning of a new era of clever, thoughtful Sci- Fi movies, But because in the future I will be able to say proudly to my grandchildren that I saw it in 3D on the big screen the very week it came out. Sure, in the future, DVD’s will probably be obsolete and worthless like old VCR’S. Films might be shown using holographic technology like the mapping system on Prometheus’ deck, or films might simply be recordings of people’s dreams. Heck, perhaps even my very own David8 android will recite the scenes from the film by heart over and over (when he isn’t talking about [i]Lawrence of Arabia[/i] of course!) But in whatever form, holographic or otherwise, it gives me great pleasure to look forward to showing my grandchildren [i]Prometheus[/i] in the future. I can’t wait to see their horrified faces during the birth scene, or watch as they scream as the Engineer's head explodes, or listen to them laugh at all of David’s sly, sarcastic comments. And I truly cannot wait to see their jealous faces as they, like I did at their age, wish with all their hearts that they could have been there in the cinema with me as I saw it for the first time. And that is what [i]Prometheus[/i] means to me. [i]( And yes, I really did just spend 3 hours writing and editing this when I should have been doing important homework and filling out university forms because I want the magazine and poster THAT much! :D Thank you for starting this competition; it's been a lot of fun to take part in :) and good luck to everyone who entered! )[/i]

Spooky Mizu

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 5:14 PM
I love that the film isn't necessarily a prequel to Alien. It really stands on its own. I love that the film has a depth to it that I still haven't completely dove into yet. I love that the film has me continuously checking this forum for news, ideas, and lots of thinking. thank you for the opportunity :-)


MemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 1:19 PM
Growing up there has been a few movies that have really turned me on to filmmaking. One of those films was Alien. It was also a film I grew up watching with my best friend. When I heard Prometheus was being made I became very excited. I was excited to hear that Prometheus wasn't going to be a direct prequel to Alien, which would allow me to immerse myself in something that didn't need to be tied-down to another film. After avoiding anything that could be a spoiler I was ready to watch the movie. What I didn't know is that I was being surprised with my best friend, too. My family had set it up to fly my friend down for the weekend (who I haven't seen in years!) to watch the film and hang out with me. Not only is Prometheus a new inspiration to me (I'm an aspiring filmmaker), but it was a connection to my old friend, which made the film even more special. THIS NEXT PART CONTAINS SPOILERS TO THE FILM. DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED! The reason why Prometheus was so successful as a film (in my opinion, of course) was because of the questions it asked, and because it didn't always give an answer. I think this is more powerful than just answering everything because it makes the audience think - not only during the movie, but after with other people who have seen it. This also creates a stronger and more passionate fan community, because it allows people to express their thoughts and ideas. Prometheus also had a wonderful cast, and the acting was superb. The highlight for me really is Michael Fassbender as David. Fassbender did such a wonderful job that I'd find myself questioning David as an android, and having to remind myself that he his just a robot. Michael's portrayal as David made it almost difficult to tell if he was speaking really matter of fact or being sarcastic, which was fantastic! Another standout performance was Noomi Rapace and Elizabeth Shaw. The main reason why this was such a standout to me along with David's character was the change that Shaw went through. In the beginning you see her as an excited and curious scientist. But eventually when Charlie Holloway is killed you start to see the change. It's the realization that these Engineers wanted to do away with humans and seeing someone she loved be killed. My favorite scene in this film had to be when Shaw finds out she has an alien inside of her. I think Noomi Rapace did a wonderful job during that scene. It was very intense and you could definitely get a feel for that as the viewer. I think it also showed the difference between Shaw in the beginning and Shaw at the end of the film. She's not the same scientist with the child-like sense of curiosity anymore, but instead she's fighting for herself and survival. All in all, I just really loved this movie and can't stop talking about it!


MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 7:58 AM
I was 12 years old when i first saw the ALIEN on the TV. It was shocking and impressive all at once. I am hardcore fan of ALIEN since then, but i very like the sequels too. I have the four Alien film on DVD, i want to buy on Blu-Ray them, i have all the Aliens vs Predator PC games and i am waiting for the Aliens: Colonial Marines. Unfortunately, i haven't seen one of the Alien movies in theaters. Therefore, the Prometheus filling the blank in this respect. When Fox announced that a new Alien film is coming and that movie isn't a sequel but a prequel, i was very happy. Then, when it was revealed that the movie isn't a direct prequel but a new story, a new mithology in the Alien's universe, this brought me even more excited. Then slowly came June 2012 and the Prometheus moved to the cinemas. When the film started, that's all I said to myself: finally. "I think they want us to come and find them." The story is based on the paleoastronautics and the ancient aliens theory, which I think is a pretty interesting, but controversial and much-despised things, many people think these just a pseudo-scientific fantasies. The universe is exist and the Prometheus extends the saga what was started in '79 well. Creation, destruction and death. These three word is I can characterizing the Prometheus in a few words wherewith, but much more of in it. "The Prometheus has landed." The USCSS Prometheus is one of the coolest spaceship what i saw in a sci-fi. Stunning interior and exterior features of the massive and graceful ship. The LV-223 has a quite dark and sinister atmosphere. The internal structure of the alien pyramid is very cool, it has many secrets, mystery and danger. I wonder what happened 2,000 years ago, which resulted in the LV-223 "residents" destroyed, why not others has been launched to destroy the mankind? Interesting questions, i hope we get answers in the sequel. "We call them Engineers." In '79 the, the so-called Spac Jockey was left behind a big mystery, who was he, what he come from? We know now that they are the engineers and mentors of mankind, who for some reason they want to exterminate their creatures. They aren't an elephantine race, that look like due to his biomechanical suit. I like this conception. "The one thing that David will never have: a soul." The humans are playing god as the Engineers. The Weyland Industries has created a synthetic person what is a perfect replica of the man, just it has no soul. Michael Fassbender acted David masterfully, all his movements, sounds, facial expression was brilliant, i hope he is "cured" in the sequel. "What the hell is going on down there!?" In the movie, a little horror also got a place. Although i not very afraid of the horror scenes, but very nice to see the references to the Alien and this scenes are looking good on the screen. I like all these scenes. At the Fifield-Millburn vs. Hammerpede scene the voice acting is very good, Fifield's return and massacre is masterfully well-composed, Shaw's self-operation is shocking but a little bit strange, because I do not think she could really stand up after that operation, but this is a movie and anything can happen therein. At the birth of Deacon alien i was creeps, another unanswered question at the and, brilliant. I think, this crature is more intelligent than the original Alien, because it has human and Engineers DNA, not only human DNA. "I want to go where they came from…" I look forward to the sequel. I wonder, Shaw will got answers to the: "WHY?" on the planet of the Engineers. I hope we get more answers and more questions will be raised in the sequel. In fine: The Prometheus is brilliant and fascinating film and exciting from start to end. Movie of the year to me. I think Peter Weyland's death is very ironic. He was killed by one of that creature who engineered the mankind, with that creature's head what was engineered by him.(I hope you understand this.) I can not wait for the extended cut, i think we will got an absolutely new experience with that version of the film. This is my opinion. Thanks to 'Engineering' and to the site for the chance. Good luck to everyone. And sorry for my bad english.


MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 11:40 AM
Just a heads up on the contest. Entries can be made until July 4th, 2012 at which time myself(and hopefully some volunteers)will judge the contest. Winners will be posted in this thread on Monday the 9th of July. At that time all winners will need to pm me their addresses. I will then take the items to FedEx to get a shipping price for each one. I will then pm each winner their shipping price and we will go from there. There have been a lot of great entries and I hope you guys have enjoyed the contest. I hope the winners will enjoy their prizes as well. BTW, you are free to edit your entries as many times as you want as long as they are finished by the July 4th deadline. The exact deadline is 11:59 am pacific standard time. Once again, thanks for participating and good luck! This will be added to the front page.


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 2:53 PM
[b][i]I'M ADDING A NEW 1ST PLACE GRAND PRIZE![/i][/b] I recently ordered the new [b]Cinefex[/b] issue which has an AWESOME Prometheus article in it. You may have seen scans of it in the news thread. This is NOT a copy of CINEPLEX which was given away free at the theatres. This is a copy of CINEFEX magazine as posted about in the news section [url=]here.[/url] Well, there was a mistake with my order and I thought I wasn't going to recieve it so I bought one at Barnes&Noble. Turns out that my order is coming so I will have an extra. Only sucky part is that it's the Avengers cover, not the Prometheus. So, there will be 1 Grand Prize Winner which will recieve the[b] Issue of Cinefex AND the 12:01 poster [/b].


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 2:59 PM
Holy cow, I have three myself already grabbed 7 on the way out of the theater that nite and gave 4 away already !!! LOL, they're awesome!


MemberOvomorphJun-28-2012 6:49 PM
As I said in my review, I am more of a Ridley Scott fan, than an Alien fan. Blade Runner was my favorite film (followed closely by Chris Nolan's Inception and Gladiator) until I saw Prometheus. Film is after all a primarily visual medium, and Ridley Scott is a true artist in visual composition. For two hours I felt I was THERE watching these events unfold in front of me. Not once did the illusion slip. As absorbing as the visual aspect of the experience was, I was absorbed in the subtleties of the relationships between the primary characters. The portrayals by Rapace, Charlize Theron, Idris Elba and of course Fassbender were of the first order, and Fassbender is a sure Oscar candidate. Underlying all this richness were the themes that were symbolically played out, about the tensions between parents and children, creators and creations; about what it means to be human, and where the boundaries of human-ness really are; faith versus reason; and the arrogance of intellect that loses its compassion. Profound issues indeed. I have been struck by the polarization among viewers of the film. From my perspective, those who hated it wanted something else, either an Alien prequel that spelled everything out a la George Lucas, or a more linear plot, or something. I loved the film and it still has me thinking two weeks after seeing it (and I am going to see it again). My wife loved it, thought it was brilliant, as did my 11 year old son. They went into it with few expectations and took it purely for what it was. It really, truly, is a work of art, one that is beautiful, frightening, horrifying, uplifting, and most of all, thought-provoking. If Ridley Scott stopped making films now, it would be a terrific capstone to his career. As it is I look for a number of equally or even better films from him in the future. He truly is at the height of his powers.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 4:21 PM
i would also really want one for my garage ( man cave ) thanks


MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 11:35 PM
Love reading all your stories!


MemberOvomorphJul-04-2012 4:47 PM
Deadline is creeping up! Make sure you eneter for your chance to win a 12:01 poster and copy of Cinefex magazine with the Prometheus article!


MemberOvomorphJul-05-2012 10:30 AM
Contest is over. We will be judging the submission shortly and announce the winners soon. A big thanks to everyone who entered for your great submissions. Good luck!
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