The Original Chestburster May Have Existed In A:C
MemberFacehuggerSep-03-2017 7:33 AMWhile going trough the blu-ray extras (thanks to user ReichuNoKimi on Reddit) i found a drawing of what resembles very closely to the original chestburster from Alien.
So it could mean two things:
1) It was just an easter egg
2) A cousin closer to the original chestburster did exist in A:C
If we assume this is the result of early experimentation by David, it could mean that the xenomorph from Alien is actually a step back, with the protomorph being the newer and "ultimate" alien.
It could also be the engineer created xeno as described in the novelization. Confirming that David did not entirely create the xenomorph from Alien.
MemberPraetorianSep-03-2017 1:46 PMThat above sure looks close (exact) to me. Awesome catch.
This image below is labeled "Frankie" in the Fauna section of David's drawings and could be an earlier form of the chestburster he was developing.
MemberPraetorianSep-03-2017 6:54 PMMU/TH/UR - Fantastic post! I believe that it is NOT an easter egg!
MemberFacehuggerSep-05-2017 3:44 AMYeah, it's the real thing. David appears to be giving these things Latin names incorporating Palpigradi (a class of arachnid) and Crustacea (shrimps to you and me).
Lawrence of Arabia
MemberChestbursterSep-05-2017 8:22 AMThe image you are referring to is labeled "Ladies" (I wonder what relevance that term has). When you see the A:C chestburster he looks like the original for a second before unfolding like an umbrella, maybe it looks like this as it's being created or this is David's ultimate design that he has yet to realize? Note the gestation speed and the lack of human test subjects. Hopefully the next film sheds light on this but as of now David created the Xenomorph we know as Covenant is the first canonical appearance of the beast in this franchises history.
"The trick, William Potter, is not minding that it hurts."
MemberFacehuggerSep-05-2017 10:13 AMGreat post. To me the drawing looks exactly like the original chestburster, with no arms, and more like a snake that has it's heads raised up (when the original one took a look at the people, then scurried away real quick). The chestburster in A:C started off looking the same when it emerged, but then it stood up and stretched out it's limbs. Although we also didn't get to see the original Alien burster more than a few seconds before it came back as a larger creature.
Thnaks for this post though, I like coming back to see new aspects of David's drawings people are noticing.
MemberXenomorphSep-07-2017 2:52 AM"hasmataspidida" instead of "chasmataspidida", "crustacea racheata" instead of "crustacea tracheata". Missing letters, possible Easter egg. "When one note is off, it eventually destroys the whole symphony." The drawings indicate studies were done on females. If David did not imagine that, did he found some Engineer library and the drawing is a mere translation? By the way, were was the Engineers' thousands of years of knowledge stored and how come David's lab was not full of those precious records? Did they use only holographic records?
The drawings from David can be just the artistic expression of his lonely dreams, he is a machine and should be able to record/ convert everything without drawings on homemade paper.
However I am extremely happy about David's artistic side as these drawings are fantastic. Love them.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"
MemberXenomorphSep-07-2017 2:53 AMAnd I am extremely happy this forum is back online.
"He survived, he’s now in Disneyland in Orlando, and no way am I going back there. How did he end up in Disneyland? I saw him in Disneyland, Jesus Christ!"
MemberPraetorianSep-07-2017 5:48 AMVery nice find!! I appreciate you sharing this, as now it's an Interesting detail I can toss into ALIEN: Manticore 'Paradise' that allows closure of a small but extremely annoying gap. :)