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Fans petition to save Neill Blomkamp's Alien 5!
Scified2017-01-29 08:46:11
Written by Chris55,804 Reads14 Comments2017-01-29 08:46:11

Fans of the Alien franchise have started a petition to help save Alien 5. The petition is a result of the massive disappointment many of us felt after Neill Blomkamp himself stated on Twitter that he felt the chances of Alien 5 happening now, following Alien: Covenant are slim.

The petition aims to bring light to the fact that many fans genuinely want to see Blomkamp's side of the story. Sigourney Weaver and Michael Biehn backed the project and even Aliens director James Cameron loved the script! The story would give Ellen Ripley a proper end, by Sigourney's definition and would set up for a continuation of the story by passing the touch to Newt, who would be in her 20s at this time. The plot and concept artwork gained major traction upon its release and many fans all over the world have been waiting in anticipation for Fox to announce a release date.

We, the undersigned, hereby request that Neill Blomkamp reconsider the possibility of writing/directing a potential Alien5 film. It is in you, we (the fans) put our tremendous faith and overwhelming excitement, in hopes that you revisit the idea of ALIEN fandom...for all of us.

The petition is currently seeking 1,000 signatures, which following this post should rack up quickly. We are hoping Fox will take notice and consider seriously pursuing Blomkamp's Alien 5 in the near future. If you wish to back Blomkamp and his Alien 5 project,  we encourage you to add your signature:


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MemberNeomorphJan-29-2017 8:48 AM

Haha Chris, I think I beat you to it :)

(46 minutes earlier)

Good post! Signed and upvoted!


AdminEngineerJan-29-2017 10:21 AM

Damn! I didn't see that yet! Sorry man! Haha Thanks for spreading the word! 


MemberNeomorphJan-29-2017 10:23 AM

Haha no problem dude!


MemberXenomorphJan-29-2017 12:23 PM

What do fans think is a 'proper end' for Ripley?!....Do they want her to survive?! Show her back on Earth gardening? Feeding the cat(jonesey 3)...maybe doing some laundry? ?

Gee W

MemberFacehuggerJan-30-2017 1:27 AM

The character of Ripley had a beautiful end in Alien 3. We don't need Ripley fan fic, we need original ideas to push the franchise forward. What made it so great in the first place was that each entry did something unique, each director brought his own flavor. Now the fans just want a greatest hits package? And I will not put my trust in Neill Blomkamp. After Chappie, he should proof himself worthy of the Alien franchise first.


MemberOvomorphJan-30-2017 10:59 AM

I wrote this few days ago under another news about Alien 5, so I will also paste it here:


If there would be a sequel of Alien: Resurrection I would LOVE IT.

If Scott, Cameron or Fincher would like make a film that alters the original four film story, but still keeps all four film cannon I would be eager to see it.

If somebody makes a film that drops Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection and lie that they never happen I would be pissed off.

Even if Blomkamp goes with the option 2 and his Alien 5 would not abandon Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection I would be terrified that he would make another Social Justice Warrior story with all the same scenario that rapes all laws of economics ( ). **** like that Weyland-Yutani doesn't like poor people and want to use Xenomorps to quickly slaughter them. And Ellen 'El Comandante' Ripley in red shirt with gold star on it destroys evil corporation and brings social equality.

I'm just terrified that Blomkamp could destroy Alien franchise with his leftist agenda...


MemberXenomorphJan-30-2017 12:47 PM

Got my Vote !

Does anyone have a copy of his script floating about?


MemberOvomorphFeb-01-2017 5:44 AM

I signed the petition just now. Here's my post:


While I'm not sure the wording of the actual petition is correct(I think Neil was talking about chances being "slim" because of 20th Century Fox, not him not wanting to do it). I humbly ask 20th Century Fox and their Executive Team, Sir Ridley Scott and the entire creative staff of the ALIEN franchise to Green-light "Alien V" directed by Neil Blomkamp and give Ripley her proper send off. With Sigourney Weaver, Michael Biehn, Lance Henriksen and Director Neil Blomkamp all excited and ready to go film the movie, the massive support and backing of James Cameron who called the script amazing, Fox would be letting down thousands, if not millions of fans world-wide by not letting this movie get made. The response was overwhelmingly positive when Neil released his concept art for Alien 5 and brought 20th Century Fox a huge amount of positive publicity and fan support by implying/stating that the movie would get made.
If you do not let Neil make "Alien V", I urge you to consider letting him make "Colonial Marines" that would be based on the Marines from "Aliens" and taking place in the same shared universe but featuring all new, terrifying "bugs"/creatures as we follow the marines on numerous rescue missions and battles with nasty alien beings. "It's a bug hunt!" Neil would be a perfect fit for the weaponry, vehicles, look, feel and characters of a potential "Colonial Marines" movie.
In closing Fox, Neil deserves a chance at directing "Alien V" or letting him do "Colonial Marines".
Make it happen and thank you!
Sincerely, Robert Dagg

Quick edit: Over 2,000 signatures in 4 days is pretty impressive! Help spread the word! I tweeted the link to Neil and 20th Century Fox. Let's get awareness up!


MemberOvomorphFeb-02-2017 11:21 PM

Hadar, did you watch any of the alien movies?  I'm pretty sure the plot of the first was that the science Officer, under order of the "evil corporation," was to bring the creature back at the expense of the crew.  And what exactly was the plot of the second one?  What did the corporate goon try to do to Ripley and Newt?  I'm not sure I understand what you're upset will happen.  If you're worried about a left leaning agenda, I think you're in the wrong fandom.  Pretty sure it's been there since 1979. 


MemberPraetorianFeb-03-2017 9:54 PM

the script could go to someone else, no? Is it really toast? idk


MemberOvomorphFeb-03-2017 11:05 PM

It's never really just keeps toasting.


MemberOvomorphFeb-06-2017 6:32 AM



Being greedy WITH simultaneously lack of respect of human life isn't right wing nor left wing. I would say even that the left wingers in power usually have much more human blood on their hand (Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol-Pot, Mussolini - they all are left wingers - nationalist or internationalist). 


Alien universe never tend to be left leaning nor right leaning - as I said being trying to make profit in expense of human life is not right wing nor left wing.


All Neill Blomkamp's films have the same scenario - social inequality are the core of all problems and laws of economics are nonexistent. THAT IS left wing BS. 

Transcendent Cthulhu

MemberOvomorphMar-26-2017 3:20 AM

I WOULDN'T sign this petition if I had a loaded Pulse rifle held to my head. I am SO sick of stupid little emo children wanting to see a lovely fairly tale, romantic continuation to the brilliant Aliens movie. These movies are meant to be Sci-fi HORROR movies you stupid people. Sad and dark things happen in horror movies. That is the point of them. I think Alien 3 gave a brilliantly dark conclusion to Ripley's alien blighted life. Her victory was in her death, stopping the Weyland-Yutani scientists from getting hold of the Xenomorph within her. Newt and Hicks died early on, showing the pointless futility of the human condition, as our day to day struggles often add up to nothing in an unfeeling and lethal universe. Perfect stuff for a sci-fi horror franchise. PLEASE STOP with the emotional stupidity of wanting Ripley and Hicks to play happy families together with their lovely daughter Newt. This idea TOTALLY sucks. Neil Blomkamp TOTALLY sucks for even having this stupid idea. He is saved by putting this in the grave where it belongs. The Alien Quadrilogy should stand forever as the canon for Alien. Stop all this childish messing with continuity to suit your childish emotional longings. If you want sweetness, light and happy endings, go watch a Disney movie, a Rom com or a Chick flick. Keep your retarded, flowery ideas out of this franchise for goodness sake. Ripley is DEAD. Newt is DEAD. Hicks is DEAD. Rest in peace.


MemberOvomorphApr-14-2017 6:40 AM

First post and happy to be joining the community!

I'm personally hoping this still happens. It's science fiction - ANYTHING can happen in terms of stories! And - if Sigourney and J Cameron are on board then why is there now a potential issue? I find it odd that Neill and anyone else connected to this is now saying absolutely nothing - particularly Neill after the frenzy caused by the 'slim' comment?

Was there any kind of acknowledgement to the petition?

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